Tag Archive for: duohs

FCF at Kris Streeter’s stand up at The Highline this past Sunday night


+ CrossFit Games 2017 – Placements Infographic – imgur

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 11/7

6 rounds for time:
50 double unders
40′ bear crawl
30 kettlebell SDHP, 32/24kg

Post time to whiteboard!

CompEx WOD – 6am

EMOM for 21 minutes:
– 3 strict muscle-ups
– 4 squat clean & jerks
– 5 HSPU

AMRAP in 7 minutes:
35 double unders
7 kettlebell overhead squats, 24/16kg

HIIT Class WOD – 12pm

Short Interval

:30 on/:10 off x 3
hi/lo plank
Side plank, L
side-to-side/archer pushups
Side plank, R
Russian twists

:40/:20 for 10:00
5 ladders
10 speed skater squats/side
15 mb squat thrust + wall chest pass

:45/:15 for 10:00
30 MB toe taps
20 MB s2s crunches
10 MB over-the-shoulder

HIIT Class WOD – 5:30pm

Kettlebell Rx Mobility

1)Waves- as a circled group
A) everyone holds hollow body
-one person at a time v-ups
10 rounds
B) everyone toe taps
-one person at a time burpees
10 rounds
C) everyone holds a bottom of squat
-one person stands at a time
10 rounds
Repeat ABC

2) Partner Work with Dynaball

4 rounds
1:00 side passes
1:00 sit-up throws
1:00 lunges with throws
1:00 rest

Gymnastics Strength WOD

10-to-1 pullups/dips or half-reps muscle-ups

banded skills


Foundations 10 WOD

EMOM for 15 minutes: 3-position pause snatch

One way we measure good athleticism is by testing if you have fully functioning hips and shoulders.

We test your shoulder strength by seeing if you have full range then eventually loading that range. Statically with things like handstands, dynamically with lifting loads overhead.


+ CrossFit Benchmark Box Plots – imgur
+ Kirkland Coconut Oil Settlement – Class Action Settlement

CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 9/13

3 rounds for time:
50 double unders
10 OHS, 61/43kg


5×3 hang power snatch

Olympic Weightlifting WOD

cleans with footwork-bias + jerk, pause front squats

Kettlebell WOD

Primal mobility (extended)

Banded rotatory stability exercises

Getup and single arm swing focus

Simple and sinister