Any and all olympic weightlifting start positions should be consistent. Begin by stepping underneath the bar so that the ball of the foot is underneath the barbell. (Those with Nike Romaleo 1 or 2 have a Swoosh underneath.) Set the hands in the proper snatch or clean grip. Get tension within the legs, backs, and arms, with a bias towards “back tension” for the posterior chain. The shoulder joint should be just forward of the barbell, the chest lifted high.
What does your position look like?
CrossFit WOD for Thursday 12/12
3 rounds for time:
10 hang power cleans, 70/50/35kg
10 bar-facing burpees
Post time to whiteboard!
Post-workout: take a large mobility ball (can use a lacrosse ball if you are fairly mobile) into the chest and lean into a wall. Slowly lift and lower your arm in a ton of different vectors and movement patterns. 2-3:00/side. Then using a barbell or the parallel bars squat underneath a bar so that the pressure is on your trap. Use the strength of your legs to add/remove pressure. Move your head around gently, rock your hips back and forth, or hit those same vectors as the chest mobilization.
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