Tag Archive for: mukbsdu

Spring cleaning is coming early!

I would like everyone to take their gear home for the rest of the weekend. Anything left there by Saturday will be boxed and donated.

Having the room cleared will allow us to do some cubby upgrades. Just asking that you all carry your own gear around for the next week.


CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 2/15

AMRAP in 20 minutes:
1 muscle-up (+1 every round)
10 kettlebell swings (+5 every round), 24/16kg
20 double unders (+10 every round)

Post score to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD

front squat max, clean takeoff + slow pull + clean, BtN jerk. frog po

Kettlebell WOD

Ground Force

Warmup: Planks/ Halos

Skills: Cleans and Presses

For 3 rounds,
2 min on, 15 sec off, double kb cleans
2 min on, 15 sec off, double kb front squat
2 min on, 15 sec off, push jerk