Tag Archive for: Nate A

Mark vs Nate!


+ The Corruption of Evidence-Based Medicine– Killing for Profit – Dr. Jason Fung for Medium

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 4/26

Establish a sumo deadlift 5RM in 20 minutes, then split squat 5×5/side. Finish out with ABmaggedon.

Post 5RM to whiteboard!



row Cal

air squat
kb Russian swing

every 2 mins rest 30s

Nate A at UrbanCF’s FIGHT GONE BAD circa 2011

The pulling movement pattern should be solid: pull the shoulder blades (“scaps”) together, following through with the elbows. In the row, you drive with the legs and finish with the elbows. In the hang power clean, you drive with the legs and finish with the elbows (first up then forward). In the Pendlay row, you simply hold the position and finish with the elbows.

Better scap function lead to better posture and more efficient movement patterns overall!


+ Macro Calculator – CALCULO

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 6/15

EMOM for 4 min: 12reps strict or weighted pullups

4 rounds for time
250/200m row
15 hang power cleans 61/43kg
15 Pendlay row, 61/43kg

Post time to whiteboard!

HellaFit WOD

A metcon to test your mental and physical stamina, guaranteed to get you #hellasweaty.

Endurance WOD

Long Interval: 4x 1000m, 60sec rest, 400m, 2min rest, 200m, 30sec rest