Tag Archive for: partner

OUTwod Seattle 2019 WOD SQUAD


Monday 6/24

push press 3-rep, then

EMOM for 20:00
4 strict pullup/ring row
8 wide-grip T-pushups
12 Cossack squats

Tuesday 6/25

every 2:30 for 40:00:
a. 400m run
b. 80 double unders
c. 500m row
d. 50 med ball throws, 10/8lbs

Wednesday 6/26

EMOM for 30:00
1 snatch or clean & jerk at 70% of 1RM

Thursday 6/27

EMOM for 16:00
2 back squats, 102/65kg

EMOM for 16:00
a. 50′ farmer’s walk, 2x32kg
b. :30 wall sit

Friday 6/28

EMOM for 30:00
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats

If you are caught by the minute, drop the reps down: 4/8/12, 3/6/9, 2/4/8, etc.

Saturday 6/29

100-80-60-40-20 reps for time:
partner wall ball, 20/14lbs
partner med ball situp

Sunday 6/30


We have kettlebells and light barbells to carry, sleds to drag, and more if you really want to workout!

11:30am-12:30pm Staging for the parade on 4th between Marion & Columbia. We walk through downtown to Seattle Center.


+ Baby Got Back (Pain) with Kelly Starrett – AMRAP Mentality with Jason Khalipa
+ Pat Vellner aiming to overthrow ‘CrossFit King’ Mat Fraser – CNN
+ The Final Saga in CrossFit vs. NSCA Legal Battle: “The Race is Over” – Morning Chalk Up

“OH DAMN. Foundation CrossFitters move so well!” – Carl Paoli

Wow, another month is more or less done! As we head into the colder version of fall we’ll be upping our strength work and minimizing our running… but will probably start another Endurance class.

This week’s agenda: a partner chipper, a skill sprint workout with jerks and double unders, a run/clean & jerk/muscle-up/run/snatch/muscle-up medley, a powerlifting session with multi-grip bench pressing and accessories, CGO 13.4 (CJ/t2b), repeat kettlebell couplets, and a dumbbell/kettlebell take on the hero workout RANDY.

CrossFit WOD for Monday 10/30

Partner A holds a bumper plate overhead (15/10kg) meanwhile…

Partner B completes as much as possible:

for time:
100 wall ball, 20/14#
50 pullups
100 jumping lunges
50 weighted situps, 20/14#
100 slam ball, 20/14#
50 weighted situps, 20/14#
100 jumping lunges
50 pullups
100 wall ball, 20/14#

Switch as often as possible. Reps cannot be earned if Partner A does not have the bumper plate overhead.

Post time to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Buffer Week!

Let’s identify your weaknesses so we can prescribe you better warmup, accessory, and mobility work.

3-position snatch, back squat max

Powerlifting WOD – Week 5/7, Day 1/4

warmup this week – for 10 minutes:
10 half kneeling strict press & stretch
15 RH or GHD hip extension
20 cossack squats

then pause bench press, one-arm half-kneeling landmine press, banded tricep press, weighted planks

Kettlebell WOD

Primal mobility

Lifts and chops

Cleans and the presses

Snatch skill focus

Lisa W


+ Hanging – Ido Portal

CrossFit WOD for Sunday 2/5

in teams of two

for time:
100 double kettlebell cleans, 2×24/16kg
400m farmers carry
100 pullups
400m farmers carry
100 double kettlebell front squats, 2×24/16kg

Post time to whiteboard!

HellaFit WOD


:40/:20 work/rest
3x each set
1 min rest between sets

– squat
– pushup
– shoulder fly

– split squat, L
– split squat, R
– pullup/ring or hinge row

– ramp sprints
– shuttle runs
– burpees