WORKOUT for Wednesday 11/2/2022
every :90 x8 rounds complete the following complex for best load:
power clean + hang clean + (full) clean
(2:30 to work, 2:30 to rest)
15/20/25 calorie row
10 box jumps, 20/24/32″
2 cleans
Repeat for 5 rounds. Post heaviest cleans to whiteboard!
ENGINE for Wednesday 11/2/2022
a. kettlebell ARMOR BUILDING
b. jump roping
BODYBUILDING for Wednesday 11/2/2022
AMRAP in 8 minutes:
8+ tempo KB lat pullover
8+ clapping pushups
8+ tempo dips
AMRAP in 8 minutes:
8 weighted/strict pullups
10 KB Gorilla row
AMRAP in 8 minutes:
10 MB hip-back extensions
10 Chinese lat delt raises
10 front delt raises