Tag Archive for: rowhswbmu

SKILLS for Thursday 9/29/2022 is the DEADLIFT

CompEx for Thurs 9/29

cardio, banded squats, wall slides, deep squats

5 sets of 2 tempo back squats (32X1)

5 sets of snatch lift-off + snatch @ 75, 78, 81, 84, 86%
4 sets of snatch @ 88, 90, 92, 94%

for time:
30/40 calorie row
100′ handstand walk/10 wall walks
10 bar muscle-ups
(3:00 rest)
2 rounds for time:
15/20 calorie row
50′ handstand walk/5 wall walks
5 bar muscle-ups


Mobility for Thurs 9/29