Tag Archive for: Simone Biles

Today we being a simple back squat cycle on Wednesdays!

WORKOUT for Wednesday 6/9/2021


:30 work, :10 rest x 8 rounds (5 minutes total)
– (Goblet) curtsy lunge
– Kettlebell sumo deadlift high pull

then HSPU Strength Ladder: 3 rounds of 1-2-1

Nov – Strict Pushup, Pike Pushup on wall
Int – Pike Pushup on wall, One-leg Pike Pushup on wall, HSPU Negative
Adv – HSPU Negative, 2/1 ab-mats HSPU (strict > kip), Parallette


every 2 minutes do 5 back squats
(50/5, 65/5, 75/5, 85/5, 85/5+)

Last set is for 5 or more reps, keeping 2+ in the tank.


21-15-9 reps for time:
Power cleans, 43/62kg
Ring dips

A classic CrossFit benchmark involving a medium-weight barbell pull paired with a high-stability bodyweight pushing movement. Each round can be broken up into three sets, but should you break them up that way? These are meant to be done in fast, pushing the intensity as far as you can, as quickly as you can.

Post times to whiteboard!

READ: Benchmark Workouts – CrossFit Journal
WATCH: The greatest athlete of all time?

CrossFit WOD for Monday, August 19th

overhead squat 7×4, then

AMRAP in 20:00
15 wall ball
400m run
15 wall ball
500m row

Goal is to use a weight that challenges you to do the wall ball sets unbroken. Post total wall balls completed to whiteboard!


It’s TEST WEEK so get your mind right: In the Olympic Weightlifting track you will max out a simple power + full sequence for the contested lifts, and a chance at overhead squat and front squat maxes. In Powerlifting you’ll have some opportunities to hit 1RM in any of the following: back squat, box squat, front squat, strict press, seated press, push press, bench press, sumo deadlift, and the conventional deadlift.


+ Predicting Snatch and Clean & Jerk 1RMs – Catalyst Athletics
+ Simone Biles: The GOAT Claims Her 6th National Championship – NBC Sports