Use your lats when you hang! Think about pushing your hands down into the bar (with straight arms), or by trying to bend/break the bar with your hands, elbows, and shoulders.
CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 6/6
EMOM for 8 minutes: 3 touch & go power snatches, ascending weight
2 rounds for time:
50 wall balls
50 toes-to-bar
Post time to whiteboard!
Gymnastics Strength WOD
ankle prep and pistols, muscle-up positional strength development
Endurance WOD
Short Interval: 2 rounds
– 5x 100m run
– 4x 200m run
– rest 1:1 between efforts
CompEx WOD (6am)
tabata flutter kicks, dumbbell back ext + row, YGIG back squats for 10 minutes
21-15-9 reps for time:
power clean, 61/43kg
ring dips
3-5 rounds:
30 UB double unders
30 UB situps
3 pausing TGU/side