1k and 211kg
+ Stop Taking NSAIDs – Barbell Shrugged
CrossFit WOD for Thursday 5/18
for time and max jump rope sets:
row 1k
20 UB thrusters
amrap UB sets of 40du in 3:00
Rest as needed, then repeat.
Score = time & double under sets.
HellaFit WOD
5 rounds,
1 min each:
1. slam ball
2. plank/pushup
3. weighted v-up
4. Cossack squat
5. burpee over ball
6. rest
Endurance WOD – 5:30pm at the SU Track off of 12th.
Long Interval: 5x 1-mile runs, Resting 4 – 5 min between efforts.