May 15th through May 21st
AB, Kelsi, Zheng, Matt, Bobby, Ali, and Crystal at the RCF Games at the Starfire Campus
A look at the week ahead: cardio/wall ball, (weighted) pullup development, shoulder-to-overhead/muscle-ups, run/burpee-box-jump-overs/dumbbell snatches, row/hang snatch/double under, “DANIEL”, deadlifts, kettlebell SDHP/goblet squat, thrusters/double unders/triple unders. In Olympic Weightlifting you’ll have a chance to max out the snatch, then the clean & jerk, and then make it up on Day 3. Endurance club will have a nice 3-round descending sprint and a broken-up mile plus. HellaFit will hit up some 30-minute metabolic conditioning pieces to test your mental and physical stamina, guaranteed to get you #hellasweaty. With The CrossFit Games Regionals coming, expect to see some interpretations of that, especially with some of our athletes coming off of some recent CrossFit competitions!
CrossFit WOD for Monday 5/15
3 rounds for time:
500m row
20 wall ball, 20/14#
– rest 2 mins, then –
2 rounds for time:
500m row
20 wall ball, 20/14#
– rest 2 mins, then –
for time:
500m row
20 wall ball, 20/14#
Performance = 400m run w/ 20/14# medicine ball. Fitness = 400m run.
Post all three times to whiteboard.
Olympic Weightlifting WOD: Week 8 of 8
For the past eight weeks we wanted you to adapt, refine, and grind through each training session. We think you have, and now it’s time to show yourself how you’ve improved. It’s TEST week so rest up, pay attention to your recovery, and especially your attitude. Eat well and get hyped. Did you watch of any of this weekend’s USAW Nationals competition?
– partner stretches
– snatch max
Kettlebell WOD
Primal movement mobility
KB walks (weather permitting)
Working on skills up progressing up to Snatches. Presses and squats for variety.