Stiff Spines

The 18.4 Finisher photo

What a weekend, again!

Here’s the current point totals for the FCFio2018

One more CrossFit Games Open event left… plus two more for VERSUS XI this Saturday! Event starts at 9am.

Everyone can play, and you don’t have to be there the entire time if you don’t want to. Though if you want to maximize your points, it’s helpful to be there for all three events. More details about it all tomorrow. In the meantime check out the facebook event for more up-to-date info!


+ The Big Climb with Foundation CrossFit – FCF

CrossFit WOD for Monday 3/19

Starting with an empty bar CLEAN & JERK every minute on the minute, adding weight after each successful lift. No more than 5 misses in total. Then

200m walking lunge for time.

Post load and time to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD

high pull + power snatch + OHS
high pull + power clean + split jerk
snatch push press

Powerlifting WOD

back squat
bench press
weighted pullups
weighted hip extensions

Kettlebell WOD

Simple & Sinister, then

Week 3: Deficit Deadlift 10×1 @85-95% of 1RM