Protein Powders, Barbells, and Row Sprints

Don’t mix chalk and protein powder

Today let’s get into what you need to have when you finish working out: some carbohydrates and proteins! You just spent an hour (or two) exercising which breaks down muscle tissue. We need to repair it, ASAP if you’re a morning athlete who trains fasted. While you don’t have to consume something immediately after a workout, practicing good nutrition is crucial for promoting muscle protein synthesis and glycogen storage.

Since I more or less live in the gym, and often workout more than once in a training day, I find it easier to have a prepacked meal, like NW Fit Meals, or a container of protein powder nearby for when I finish my WOD. Unless I had a meal near that training time, I do look to make sure that I have some food every 3-5 hours to keep my body rebuilding whatever I broke down in my training.

My favorite morning post-workout shake: 1 scoop of ON Double Rich Chocolate Whey protein (24g Protein/3g CHO/1g Fat) + 1 scoop 8-12oz of cold brew coffee or an iced americano + water to taste.

My favorite mid-morning post-workout shake, an hour or so before lunch: none (I’ll opt for BCAA during my workout, but might add a scoop of Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides to it)

My favorite evening post-workout shake: 1 scoop of SFH Pure Churro protein (23g/4g/2g) because if you know me, you know I love churros + more cinnamon + ice + water.

My favorite protein isolate (for the lactose-intolerant): Onnit’s Whey Isolate (20g/5g/2g) is grass-fed and contains 7 enzymes for better digestion. No sweeteners and mixes really well!

My favorite late-night-snack (where you want to skip out on making a bad nutritional choice): 1 scoop ON Gold Standard Casein Vanilla protein (24g/9g/1g) + whatever I want to flavor it with: a ton of cinnamon, almond or peanut butter, milk, chocolate milk, juice, might blend it with frozen berries or other fruit (acai!), etc. You can get imaginative with flavor combos.


+ You Asked: Should I Eat Collagen Powder? – TIME

CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 6/27

every minute on the minute for 15:00
power snatch + hang snatch, ~70%


500m row for time

Post times to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 1/4, Day 2/3

power snatch + hang snatch + overhead squat 65/1 (3)
snatch-grip Romanian deadlift 50/8 (3)
snatch-grip shrugs 70/12+ (3), :90

5×3-5 BtN sotts press
5×8 weighted back ext
5×10 dips

Powerlifting WOD – Week 1/4, Day 2/3

med ball throws 4×10 (2)
bench press 65/5 (8)

db bench press 4-5×12
db Tate press 4-5×12
db JM press 4-5×12

med ball throws 4×10

Kettlebell WOD

Joint Prep/DROM

**3 rounds**
– 10 Double bell Sots press
– 10 Double bell OH squat and curl
**Banded work 3 rounds
– 10 banded row with supination
– 10 banded swing squat

**50 Swinging lunges**
**KB Karen**
– 150 KB Wall Ball Substitute
**Simple and Sinister (DB) **
– Every 30 sec 10 X 10 Double KB swings

##Accessory work
– Abs
– 15 Relax-into-stretch toe touch
– 2 min super pigeon