Tag Archive for: 500m row


EMOMs are one of the many protocols utilized fairly often in the CrossFit affiliate world. This previous Friday we used it simply as a timing tool to gradually increase load and intensity.

The main purpose of its normal usage is to test or challenge an athlete’s capacity of work, depending on the movement and loading. Generally the gym’s programming has an expectation to be met, but as always it can be scalable to every body.

Today’s workout would see an athlete completing 5 one-arm overhead squats with a single dumbbell or kettlebell per side with :10-:20 of rest before completing 15 perfect (no bend in the posture from head to toes) pushups.

CrossFit WOD for Monday 11/18

EMOM for 15:00
a. 5 one-arm OHS/side
b. 15 perfect pushups
c. 10 (strict) pullups

Then a 500m row time trial. Post time to whiteboard!

BARBELL CLUB – 6am/11am/5:30pm/6:30pm

What a weekend with all the Masters athletes who competed!

Olympic Weightlifting: Weights go up, tempo disappears.
Powerlifting: the penultimate week playing with Conjugate!

READ: The Food That Helps Battle Depression – The Wall Street Journal
WATCH: No, Vitamin C Won’t Cure Your Cold

Don’t mix chalk and protein powder

Today let’s get into what you need to have when you finish working out: some carbohydrates and proteins! You just spent an hour (or two) exercising which breaks down muscle tissue. We need to repair it, ASAP if you’re a morning athlete who trains fasted. While you don’t have to consume something immediately after a workout, practicing good nutrition is crucial for promoting muscle protein synthesis and glycogen storage.

Since I more or less live in the gym, and often workout more than once in a training day, I find it easier to have a prepacked meal, like NW Fit Meals, or a container of protein powder nearby for when I finish my WOD. Unless I had a meal near that training time, I do look to make sure that I have some food every 3-5 hours to keep my body rebuilding whatever I broke down in my training.

My favorite morning post-workout shake: 1 scoop of ON Double Rich Chocolate Whey protein (24g Protein/3g CHO/1g Fat) + 1 scoop 8-12oz of cold brew coffee or an iced americano + water to taste.

My favorite mid-morning post-workout shake, an hour or so before lunch: none (I’ll opt for BCAA during my workout, but might add a scoop of Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides to it)

My favorite evening post-workout shake: 1 scoop of SFH Pure Churro protein (23g/4g/2g) because if you know me, you know I love churros + more cinnamon + ice + water.

My favorite protein isolate (for the lactose-intolerant): Onnit’s Whey Isolate (20g/5g/2g) is grass-fed and contains 7 enzymes for better digestion. No sweeteners and mixes really well!

My favorite late-night-snack (where you want to skip out on making a bad nutritional choice): 1 scoop ON Gold Standard Casein Vanilla protein (24g/9g/1g) + whatever I want to flavor it with: a ton of cinnamon, almond or peanut butter, milk, chocolate milk, juice, might blend it with frozen berries or other fruit (acai!), etc. You can get imaginative with flavor combos.


+ You Asked: Should I Eat Collagen Powder? – TIME

CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 6/27

every minute on the minute for 15:00
power snatch + hang snatch, ~70%


500m row for time

Post times to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 1/4, Day 2/3

power snatch + hang snatch + overhead squat 65/1 (3)
snatch-grip Romanian deadlift 50/8 (3)
snatch-grip shrugs 70/12+ (3), :90

5×3-5 BtN sotts press
5×8 weighted back ext
5×10 dips

Powerlifting WOD – Week 1/4, Day 2/3

med ball throws 4×10 (2)
bench press 65/5 (8)

db bench press 4-5×12
db Tate press 4-5×12
db JM press 4-5×12

med ball throws 4×10

Kettlebell WOD

Joint Prep/DROM

**3 rounds**
– 10 Double bell Sots press
– 10 Double bell OH squat and curl
**Banded work 3 rounds
– 10 banded row with supination
– 10 banded swing squat

**50 Swinging lunges**
**KB Karen**
– 150 KB Wall Ball Substitute
**Simple and Sinister (DB) **
– Every 30 sec 10 X 10 Double KB swings

##Accessory work
– Abs
– 15 Relax-into-stretch toe touch
– 2 min super pigeon


+ Enhancing Low Back Health Through Stabilization Exercise (PDF) – University of Waterloo

CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 1/3

establish within 15 minutes each:
– snatch 1RM
– 500m row

Let’s establish some numbers for 2018 so we can direct our training purposefully! First we’ll start with these two lifts and follow it up with some row sprints. How’s your technique? Do you know how to sprint start?

Post results to whiteboard!

Kettlebell WOD

warm up + accessories

complete 300 double kettlebell swings with perfect form. every time you break you must complete 2 sets of the complex:
2 double cleans
1 double press
3 front squats

On to our third week of the nutrition challenge!

For those who chose the Keep It Simple route, how are things going? Are you still honestly following along without any follow ups? We want to hear from you! Share what your go-to recipe has been so far, on our challenge event Facebook page.

Here is one of our favorites:

Teddy-Inspired Chicken Recipe:
– chicken thighs
– coconut aminos
– sesame oil
– salt
– chopped green onions
– sprinkle or two of crushed red peppers
– chinese 5 spice (Sheena usually omits this)

Marinate the thighs for 15-30 minutes, allowing the thighs come to room temperature before cooking. Turn pan on medium-high heat and sear/cook each side for 7-10 min each. Great to pair with a side of veggies, on top of mixed greens with cherry tomatoes, or add in some sweet potato on the side.

Here’s one of Andrew’s favorites that he plans to make this week:

Maybe if he makes extra, he’ll sell you a container!

Remember, we have a sign up for meal swaps for every Thursday in our challenge. If you’re making some kind of stew this week, this would be a good opportunity to swap meals so you don’t eat the same thing for days and days! Another option is to freeze up the stew/soup to enjoy for a later time.


+ The Pigheaded and the PRs – CrossFit Journal

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 10/24

1000m row for time
500m row for time
250m row for time

AMRAP in 15 minutes:
50 overhead squats
400m run
40 chest-to-bar pullups
400m run
30 double kettlebell sumo deadlift high pulls, 2×24/16kg
400m run
20 double kettlebell front lunges, 2×24/16kg
400m run

Post score to whiteboard!

CompEx WOD

3 rounds for time:
7 squat snatches, 75%
100 double unders

windmill work + obliques + flags

Gymnastics Strength WOD

muscle-up development, tumbling

Foundations Class 4 WOD

AMRAP in 15 minutes:
15 wall ball
20 lunges
15 slam ball
20 box jumps

Post-workout: Elevated Samson Stretch, 2:00/side

Here we go! We’re about to begin a new cycle and so we need to retest some old things while setting your standard for work to improve.

Danielle & Landon S

In no order we’ll hit a bench 1RM twice (3RM second time around), 1RM deadlift, a burpee/box jump benchmark, 100 pullups/max unbroken pullups, L-hang, L-supports, 2k row, 500m row, DIANNIE/DIANE, 1RM back squat, CGO 12.2, ANNIE, EMOM lifts (snatch, clean & jerk, deadlift), and THE CHIEF.

That’s a lot to fit into six days, yeah? Make sure you’re prepared everyday you come in: nutrition, rest & recovery, mindset, and gear!


+ 2017 Reebok CrossFit Games Tickets – CrossFit Games
+ CrossFit Games Ticket Details Released – The Barbell Spin

CrossFit WOD for Monday 4/17

– establish a 1RM bench press in 25 minutes
– 500m row for time
– L-support, L-hang, each for time

Post all three scores to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 4, Day 1

snatch + snatch balance w/ hold, back squats, snatch push press, 1/2 situps, weighted back extensions, pause snatch high-pull, bent-over row

Kettlebell WOD

Primal crawling warmup

Starting workout with swings to warm up hinge. Windmills, Halos and lunges will be worked in.

Will then workshop our clean skills.

Finishing with front or goblet squats