Week of 9/24 through 9/30

Robyn competed this past weekend at The 2018 Cascade Classic! Give her a high-five next time you bump into her.


After the simplistic movements of last week, let’s reintroduce higher-level options with more opportunities and longer times to work.

This week also sees the beginning of a new programming block for both of our Foundation Barbell programs:

Olympic Weightlifting – Oct 2018 PDF

Powerlifting – Oct 2018 PDF


+ A New World Marathon Record Almost Defies Description – The Atlantic
+ CrossFit Announces Four New Sanctioned Events, Expands Competition – Morning Chalk Up
+ Weightlifter Harrison Maurus’ 270kg Squat Is a Serious Nail Biter – BarBend

CFTS 18.1

CFTS 18.2


I rotate through a lot of different shoes and keeping them clean can sometimes be a challenge, especially in this line of work. I use Jason Markk cleaners, repellants, and even their insoles for many of my CrossFit shoes.

For those with weak/rehabbing wrists: you should wear supportive gear. I’m not a fan of the full fabric style (where you tension it by twisting) because it’s too aggressive on tightness. I’m also not a fan of the neoprene or Rogue-style wraps because they’re too flexible. Fortunately for me there’s a middle ground: the Rocktape Wrist Wraps. Co-developed by Jason Khalipa he devised a literal half-way between the two style I mentioned above. I use these only when my wrist isn’t feeling confident.

Calluses! They’re the one thing you’re going to have to go through here in CrossFit because we use our hands to hold onto many different things. That said you don’t have to live with rough hands if you take care of them. I was gifted a SandBar at the gym and it’s great because it emulates the pullup bar or a barbell, allowing you into the areas and corners of your hand a pumice stone or other “cheese-grater” types cannot.


We’re sponsoring POWER OF PRIDE by OUTwod, Saturday, November 17th at FUELhouse in Fremont.It’s a partner competition to raise money for a LGBTQ+ organization. Click here or the picture for more details!