Well Damn
What a whirlwind of a day.
On Sunday night we were notified that Governor Inslee issued a mandate that we, as a fitness facility, had to cease operations as we knew it until March 31st.
I hope you received our three emails. If not, check your inbox.
We’re going to turn these lemons into lemonade! We spent the entirety of Monday brainstorming how we can keep you fit and healthy through this crisis.
WORKOUT for Tuesday 3/17/2020
5 rounds for time:
12 deadlifts
9 front squats
6 strict press
Use an odd-object like a backpack full of books or groceries, a case of water, your pet (just kidding), or some other load. If it’s extremely light and 5 rounds breeze by quickly then make it an AMRAP in 12:00. See the video below!
MOBILITY for Tuesday 3/17/2020
We will stream this LIVE on our Instagram at 1pm.
ENDURANCE for Tuesday 3/17/2020
5 sets:
800m, easy pace
300m, fast pace
3:00 rest
READ: Inslee Announces Statewide Shutdown: Restaurants, Bars, and Expanded Social Gathering Limits – WA.gov