
From our weekly email communication:

Hi FCF Community!

We hope you’ve been enjoying the additional class options we’ve thrown into our schedule, including Yoga, HIIT, and Shadowboxing. We will continue to add more options as we develop them.


  • Special workouts with Andrew at 8am Monday, 8am Wednesday, and 4:30pm Friday.
  • Wednesdays at 6:30pm On Zoom: A mid-week STRETCH class to get over the hump. It’s also Wine Down Wednesday (;
  • On Thursdays at 6:30pm, join “Shoot the Sh!t” with Andrew on IG and FB live as he answers your questions from the week and dotes on other hot topics.
  • And of course, don’t forget about Champagne Friday Social Hour, HIIT on Saturday, Yoga and Cooking on Sunday!

NEW FEATURE: Workout Prep Videos

You’ve told us that your schedule can make it tough to jump into one of our coached classes on Zoom. To address this feedback, we’re adding another element to our virtual coaching program: Workout Prep Videos.

Workout Prep Videos will guide you through the day’s warmup, skills, and stimulus for the workout, and at the end of the video you’ll be ready to start your own clock for your WOD. We’ve already been testing this out (if you’ve been paying attention to the blog) this past week.

RSVP for our Workout Prep Video on Zenplanner, and at 6:30pm every evening, we will release our Workout Prep Video for that day’s workout. Watch the video whenever you’d like – even the next day – and don’t forget to share your results to the blog!

We believe this additional feature will capture those who are not available to join our coached classes on Zoom, and fulfills our promise to provide you an engaging fitness experience for your paid membership.
Earlier this week, we sent our a survey to get a pulse on our members. If you haven’t submitted your feedback, we’d love to hear how we’re doing!


We’ve replenished our stock of RPM Jump Ropes, so if you’re looking for a new rope for your outdoor workouts, come get one custom-sized for you personally. We have both the Session and the Scout ropes available for purchase!

Equipment Rental Program Update

Based on your feedback, we’re simplifying our Equipment Rental Program for our members with a few updates:

  • From List A, you may select either kettlebells or dumbbells of any weight, or a rower/bike.
  • We’ve consolidated all other equipment into List B, where you can select up to 2 items.
  • Rental durations have been doubled from our original timeframes.

When you’re ready to come in for equipment, please RSVP on ZenPlanner, and fill out our Equipment Rental Form to let us know what you’d like.

Additional packages may be rented for $10/week.

Our FCF team works very hard to to offer our very best coaching experience that is both engaging and effective. With each feature we offer as part of our Novel Response to the Novel Coronavirus, we strive to make your continued membership worthwhile.

We thank you for your support!

As always, if you have any questions or feedback, please email us!

SESSION for Monday 5/11/2020


a.  Joint prep for about 10:00 (or about 2:00 per) with particular attention to wrists, shoulder and hips

Wrist Mobility

Dynamic Wrist Mobility

(Elevated) Samson Stretch

Cossack Squats

Inside Squats

Boot Strappers

b. Let’s light up those midlines

:30 plank/:15 rest for four rounds, then :30 arch/:15 rest for four rounds


for time:
100 medicine ball cleans, medium-heavy
100 medicine ball thrusters, medium-heavy

*every minute on the minute do 10 weighted Russian twists

Share your time to comments!

NO EQUIPMENT? NO PROBLEM!  Load a backpack up to the appropriate stimulus today and make sure your straps are tidy so you don’t get whipped in the face.


30 supine Scorpions with 3-second pause at end range.

2nd Serving- Need More Work? (Strength-Bias)

A1 – Bicep curls, under-hand grip: 4×12
A2 – Ez bar curls (over hand) grip: 4×12
A3 – The most difficult dips you can manage: 4×12
B1 – Incline bicep curls: 4×12
B2 – Skull crushers: 4×12
C1- Close-grip bench press: 3×12
C2- Standing dumbbell hammer curls: 3×12
D1- Band curls: 3 drop sets of 4 (start with heavy tension and lighten up each round)
D2- Band overhead tricep extensions 3 drop sets of 4 (start with heavy tension and lighted up each round)

HSPU Strength Ladder: every minute on the minute x5 do 1-2-1 reps

READ: Comorbid Chronic Diseases and Acute Organ Injuries Are Strongly Correlated With Disease Severity and Mortality Among COVID-19 Patients – CrossFit