Thursday 6/25

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SESSION for Thursday 6/25/2020


AMRAP 15:00
10 medium-weighted alternating forward-backward lunges (total)
15 push presses with backpack
20 pogo jumps

Equipped Options:
AMRAP 15:00
10 weighted alternating forward-backward lunges
15 push presses
20 pogo jumps
-20/16/8kg kettlebell or 50/35/20lbs single dumbbell

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2nd Serving: Need More Work?

E3MOM x 4
12 Wide Grip Deadlifts
12 Unbroken Power Snatch

Go for 61/43/29kg if possible.

Pullup Strength Ladder: EMOM x4 do 1-2-1 reps

READ: Bruce Lee’s Never Before Revealed Letters to Himself About Authenticity, Personal Development, and the Measure of Success – Brain Pickings. Many Asian-Americans don’t have too many role models that look like themselves to look up to. One of those few would be the legendary Bruce Lee. Known for his martial arts, he was very much a philosophical person and wrote a ton. If not for him maybe I wouldn’t pursue physicality the way I have. When I was younger I found The Art of Expressing the Human Body and that guided much of my own fitness research.