Saturday 11/5

SKILLS for Saturday 11/5/2022 is the CLEAN

WORKOUT for Sat 11/5

5 rounds for time:
400m run
15 burpee box jumps, 12/20/24”
21 shoulder-to-overhead, 30/45/64kg
3:00 rest

Score = total time. Post to whiteboard!

CompEx for Sat 11/5

isometric holds, midline warmup

front/back squat supersets
– 5 Nordic curls
– 5 single-leg hip bridge (:03 hold at time)

8 deadlifts @70% every 3:00 x4

for time:
6-5-4 walk walks
18-15-12 wall-facing handstand march
1:00 rest


every 4:00 x3
10/15 calorie row
15 thrusters, 20/29/43kg
8/12 calorie row

every 4:00 x2
10/15 calorie row
15 burpees over erg
8/12 calorie row