Friday 11/4
WORKOUT for Friday 11/4/2022
strict press 50/5, 50/5, 60/3, 65/5, 75/5, 85/5+, then
“EMOM Lifts”
Starting with an empty bar SNATCH once every minute until a max* is found then move onto the CLEAN. Continue until a max* is found then move onto the DEADLIFT. Continue until a max is found. Ideally the bar only gets heavier, but do what you must to be successful.
*3 attempts max. Post best lifts to whiteboard.
ENGINE for Fri 11/4
Burpee/Nasal breathing ladder then
#tttTD163 (see video below)
AMRAP in 12:00
12/16 calorie row
8 burpee over rower
3 sets
10-15 wide-grip pullups
10-15 snatch-grip shoulder press
2:00 rest
3 sets
15-20 crush-grip bent-over row
15-20 shooter pushup (or close-grip)
2:00 rest
3 sets
10-15 upright row
10-15 dips
GYMNASTICS for Fri 11/4
core, stretching, athlete’s choice
3-4 rounds
10 tempo inverted/ring row
10 tempo pushup with 6+ shoulder taps
10 KB windmills/side
2-3 rounds
:30 hang
:30 pike handstand
:30 side plank/side
20 prone snow angel (weighted?)