Remember that hydration is that much more important for either temperature extreme: tons of importance is skewed towards sunny heat, but let’s remember that frigid cold also requires you to stay hydrated throughout the day. Cramming 20oz of water in the matter of seconds means nothing, especially if you’re comprised of 50% coffee like myself.

If you struggle staying hydrated try drinking 8oz+ of water every hour on the hour. It’ll make you a little more active by making you visit the bathroom more often, keeping you warm.

Stay safe and warm this weekend!

CONDITIONING for Friday 2/12/2021

READ: The Science Behind Miracles – Outside Online

I hope you’re loving all the slam ball work!

IN-GYM WORKOUT for Thursday 2/11/2021

a. Warmup

1:00 stations. Move consistently throughout.
– Burpee complex (pushup + bottom-only burpee + burpee)
– Slam ball
– Pogo hop (single? multiple? variable?)
– Cossack squats (stand up b/t or stay low?)
– Med ball clean (quickness in reception)
– Plank pull over (use MB)

b. Strength

EMOM 5 (1-2-1) pullups

Establish a heavy 5-rep front squat in 12:00
*Challenge* Take the barbell from the ground?

c. MetCon

AMRAP in 9:00
18 shoulder-to-overhead
15 hang power clean
12 front squats
9 thrusters

Rest 3:00 then

AMRAP in 8:00
7 T-pushups
6 pullups
5 jumping squats
4 box jump overs

Use a Hyperlite/15/20kg barbell. Post score to blog comments or your journal.

READ: Tim Cook Pivots to Fitness – Outside Online

CONDITIONING for Wednesday 2/10/2021

READ: Why Was It Easier to Be Skinny in the 1980s? – The Atlantic

Too often do people complain about not being able to breath. Was the workout hard? Probably. Was the athlete efficient in taking in air and utilizing it for energy? Probably not. With more-focused respiration practice see how you can improve your physical, mental, and emotional states by taking the same care in breathing as you would the setup and execution of a barbell lift.

I started the book Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art last week and I’ve been using the STATE app for a couple of years now. I’m actually really surprised more people aren’t talking about it- it provides you four different breathing routines after you take some initial tests and adapts said routines to your current level. Check them out below!

IN-GYM WORKOUT for Tuesday 2/9/2021

a. Warmup

1:00 stations. Move consistently throughout.
– Burpee complex
– Slam ball
– Pogo hop
– Cossack squats
– Med ball clean
– Plank pull over

b. Strength

E2MOM x2 do 1-2-3-2-1 pullups as strict as possible then

Every 1:30 for 8 sets perform 3-5 snatch-grip push presses
* Scale down to proper push press
** Can add an overhead squat at the end of each set if you want a challenge

c. MetCon

AMRAP in 15:00
10-20-30-40-50-etc row calories
5-10-15-20-25-etc t2b

The goal here to pull strong and fast when on the rower, then manage your grip and reps for the t2b. You have to go hard and fast to see how far you can get. Post score to blog comments or your journal.

READ: Breath: the New Science of a Lost Art by James Nestor

** Download the STATE app which I use everyday (and have forced people to do with me during CompEx and Zoom sessions!)

Taken early last year during one of our last Community Classes

We know that a number of people are ready to get into the gym for the first time in a long time, or that you may have been referred to us by friends or members of the gym. We also know that we haven’t had any FOUNDATIONS On-Ramp classes in a while.

Well the wait is over! We have a new series of classes coming for the uninitiated and the experienced alike!

We’d like to present SKILLS. We’ll have a rotation of six classes with a focus on improving at least one lift: deadlift, clean, back squat, shoulder-to-overhead, bench press, and snatch. Along with the lifts you’ll be introduced to different ways of warming up, and each class will also involve a conditioning workout that may or may not leave you panting hard.

Been in the gym for a while? Then you can still attend- our coaches know how to get you to the next level and you may possibly set a PR during these classes.

More details coming soon!

CONDITIONING for Monday 2/8/2021


max reps in 10 minutes:
10 double dumbbell deadlifts
20 pushups
30 Russian twists

READ: Don’t Underestimate the Power of a Walk – Harvard Business Review

Stretchy yet strong

YOGA for Sunday 2/7/2021

RSVP via PushPress for Yoga with IVAN.MVMT at 10am

READ: How to Be Angry – Psyche

HIIT at Home with Lauren, premiering at 10am!

IN GYM WORKOUT for Saturday 2/6/2021

a. Warmup

for 8-12 minutes all with a single DB/KB
30 Skip Overs
:30 Goblet Squat Hold
20 slam ball
20 arch-ups
20 swings
5/5 1-arm Deadlift
5/5 Tall kneeling 1-arm press

b. Strength

EMOM do 1-2-1 pullups for 5 rounds, then

c. Conditioning

for time:
500m row
20 alt DB snatch
30 hanging leg raise
20 alt DB snatch
500m row

Rest 2:00 and repeat. How many times can you get through this in 40:00? DB should be 20/35/50lbs or slightly heavier. Hanging leg raise can be any range of leg coming up, but preferably try knees-to-elbows or toes-to-bar. Post total rounds to whiteboard.

d. Stretch

1:00 standing straddle
:30 Cossack, L
:30 Cossack, R
1:00 Kneeling hip stretch, L
1:00 Kneeling hip stretch, R
1:00 Plow

READ: Bipartisan Legislation Introduced to Offer Gyms $30 Billion in Economic Relief – Morning Chalk Up