SKILLS for 10/22/2022 is the SQUAT

CompEx for Sat 10/22

posterior chain warmup, knee/hamstring prehab

Athlete’s Choice (15 minute cap):
– front squat to a 1RM for the day
– back squat 3 sets of 10 reps (@50%, 50-60%, 60%), resting 2-3 minutes between

every 3:00 do 12 deadlifts, starting around 50%. Repeat for 3 sets total.

25 ring muscle-ups in as few sets as possible. 7 minute cap.

AMRAP in 7:00
15/20 calorie row
50′ HS walk/5 wall walks/40 chest-to-wall shoulder taps
5 db thrusters, 50/70lbs
4 db push press
3 db front squats

Rest 1:00. Repeat for 3 total sets.

WORKOUT for Sat 10/22

“CGO 21.3” (15:00 cap)
for time:
15 front squats, 30 toes-to-bar, 15 thrusters, 1:00 rest
15 front squats, 30 chest-to-bar pullups, 15 thrusters, 1:00 rest
15 front squats, 30 bar muscle-ups, 15 thrusters

Rx = 20/29/43kg. Move immediately into the complex

“CGO 21.4”
Max weight in a successful complex within 7:00:
deadlift + clean + hang clean + jerk

Post scores to whiteboard!

WORKOUT for Friday 10/21/2022

3 rounds for max total reps. 1:00 stations of
– wall ball, 8/14/20lbs
– KB SDHP, 2×8/12/16kg
– box jumps, 12/20/24″
– KB jerk, 2×8/12/16kg
– calorie row
– rest

Post score to whiteboard!

ENGINE for Fri 10/21

15 strict pullups
70 calorie row
50 toes-to-bar
50 ring rows
70 hip extensions
15 strict pullups

BODYBUILDING for Fri 10/21

AMRAP in 7:00
7 DB hang muscle clean
7 Gorilla row/side

AMRAP in 7:00
7 push press
7 weighted (or ring) dips

AMRAP in 7:00
7 Viper press
7 dive-bomber pushups

GYMNASTICS for Fri 10/21

hamstring mobility, hip flexor strengthening, press handstand work, headstand development

EMOM x 12
4 HSPU/HSPU negative
8 burpees

SKILLS for Thursday 10/20/2022 is the CLEAN

CompEx for Thurs 10/20

row, plank taps, sprint starts, plank lateral taps, hip/shoulder prehab

EMOM x 3 do 1-3 clean Sotts press
E2MOM x 7 do a clean & jerk (Sets 1-3 do 3 reps @ 60-65, Sets 4-6 do 2 reps @ 70-75%, Set 7 do 1 at 80%). Not touch and go.

Intervals! Every 5:00 complete
250/300m row
6 power cleans, 34/52/70kg
200/250m row
9 burpee over rower

MOBILITY for Thurs 10/20

WORKOUT for Wednesday 10/19/2022

“CGO 13.4”

AMRAP in 7 minutes:
3-6-9-12-15-etc of
clean & jerks, 29/43/61kg

Post scores to whiteboard!

ENGINE for Wed 10/19

1:00 stations for max reps
– decline calorie row
– kettlebell dead muscle clean
– box jump
– rest
– decline calorie row
– kettlebell jerk
– box clear over
– rest

Repeat for 3 rounds.

BODYBUILDING for Wed 10/19

3 rounds
10 bro chest-to-bar pullups
10 crush grip bent-over rows
10 KB high pull
1:00 rest

3 rounds
10 dips
10 shooter pushups
1:00 rest

3 rounds:
20+ JM press
20 bicep curls


SKILLS for Tuesday 10/18/2022 is the DEADLIFT

CompEx for Tues 10/18

shoulder prehab, heaving snatch balances, snatch complexes, handstand pushup density tests

AMRAP in 10:00
5 power snatch
10 deadlift
15 toes-to-bar

GYMNASTICS for Tues 10/18

AMRAP in 20 minutes:
5 hang: pullup, ring row, knees-to-elbows, toes-to-bar, muscle-up, glide kip, etc
10 push: pushup, handstand pushup, freestanding handstand pushup, wall walk, etc
15 squat: air squat, single leg squat, box jump, box jump over, clear over, front scale to back scale, etc

MOBILITY for Tues 10/18

WORKOUT for Monday 10/17/2022

establish a squat max in 20 minutes, then

CGO 20.3/18.4 – Rx

for time:
deadlift, 70/102kg
handstand pushups
– then –
21-15-9 deadlift, 93/143kg
50′ handstand walk

CGO 20.3 aka CGO 18.4 – Scaled

for time:
deadlift, 43/61kg
hand-release pushup
– then –
21-15-9 deadlift, 61/83kg
50′ bear crawl

Time cap is 9:00. Post score/time to whiteboard!

ENGINE for Mon 10/17

going for max unbroken sets for 25 minutes:
– jump rope
– double KB shoulder-to-overhead
– dips
– double KB swing

How big of an unbroken set can you do with each of these exercises? Use loading and ranges that allow you repeatable movement.

BODYBUILDING for Mon 10/17

3 rounds
9 chinups
9 DB bench press
1:00 rest

3 rounds
15 DB push press
15 DB row/side
1:00 rest

3 rounds
21’s bicep curls
21 skull crushers
1:00 rest

Go heavy enough to challenge the reps, moving to target specific muscle-groups rather than the range-of-motion standards we use in CrossFit classes.


YOGA for Sunday 10/16/2022