Tag Archive for: Atlas Games

PARTNER WORKOUT for Saturday 6/11/2022

for time:
100 calorie row
80 wall ball, 8/14/20lbs
60 MB situps, 8/14/20lbs
40 box jump overs, 12/20/24″
20 muscle-ups

You and your partner must alternate every rep (except on the rower where you’ll alternate every 10 calories). Post time to whiteboard!


WORKOUT for Friday 6/10/2022


5 rounds for time:
400m run
15 overhead squats, 20/35/50kg

Post time to whiteboard!

GYMNASTICS for Friday 6/10

hand/wrist/elbow accessories, headstand practice, handstand shaping, and false-grip work

WATCH: It’s the last weekend of Semifinals before the CrossFit Games!