Tag Archive for: back squat 3RM

WORKOUT for Monday 10/10/2022

establish a back squat max in 20 minutes, then

“Almost CGO 20.1”

10 rounds for time:
8 ground-to-overhead, 29/43/61kg
10 burpee-over-bar

15:00 cap. Post max and time to whiteboard!

Read this if you want to get a jump on setting a new PR: Establishing a Max Lift

ENGINE for Mon 10/10

EMOM x 25
a. :40 calories- Choose one: bike, ski, row (in order of preference)
b. :40 single DB hang clean and jerk
c. :40 plank drag
d. :40 running single under
e. :40 DB half squat

The goal is to establish a good number of reps in :40 on the first round. In the second round the goal is to match the reps in the first. Repeat until you fall off then re-establish your numbers using the :40 work. You should always get a moment to breath before moving onto the next exercise. Push your effort a little harder knowing you’ll get a moment to rest before the rotation.

BODYBUILDING for Mon 10/10

3-4 rounds:
10 Pendlay rows
20 hip extensions
1:00 rest

2-3 rounds:
15 ring rows
15 lateral raises
1:00 rest

2-3 rounds:
20 DB hammer curls
10 crush-grip KB Romanian deadlift + bent-over row

Cash out with 100 band bicep curls as fast as possible

Dave gets ‘set’ by bracing and mentally preparing himself before the squat


+ How to Do Wall Balls and Why It’s Worth Putting Yourself Through the Agony – Coach Mag

CrossFit WOD (and ) for Tuesday 6/19

establish a back squat max in 20 minutes, then


150 wall ball, 20/14lbs to 10/9′, for time

Post maxes and times to whiteboard!

HIIT WOD – 12pm

3 rotations, 1 min work / 1 min rest
Dbl Db front rack lunge steps
Dbl Db push press
Dbl Db bent rows
Dbl Db front rack squats
Dbl Db deadlifts

– then –

ball slams
jumping jacks

– then –


HIIT WOD – 5:30pm

(A) agility ladders

(B) :55 work, :15 rest/rotation of
– mountain climber runner
– kettlebell swing / alt one-hand kbs
– blast off pushup
– stir the pot
– plank running (hand/elbow/shoulder/hip)

(C) 4 rounds of :45 wall sit, :15 rests

(D) ABmaggedon



It’s also “KAREN”! (see video above!)