Tag Archive for: back squat

Big thanks to everyone who came out Tuesday evening for the Freestyle Connection Seminar

“The 1¼ squat is used to strengthen the bottommost part of the squat to aid in proper recovery position in the squat, clean or snatch. It can also be used specifically to train VMO and glute activation and strength.” – Greg Everett


+ The 1-1/4 Squat: How, When, and Why It Should Be In Your Training – BarBend

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 9/28

4 rounds for time:
100m lunge
7 muscle-ups

then 1-1/4 front squats 7×3

Post times to whiteboard!

Here we go! We’re about to begin a new cycle and so we need to retest some old things while setting your standard for work to improve.

Danielle & Landon S

In no order we’ll hit a bench 1RM twice (3RM second time around), 1RM deadlift, a burpee/box jump benchmark, 100 pullups/max unbroken pullups, L-hang, L-supports, 2k row, 500m row, DIANNIE/DIANE, 1RM back squat, CGO 12.2, ANNIE, EMOM lifts (snatch, clean & jerk, deadlift), and THE CHIEF.

That’s a lot to fit into six days, yeah? Make sure you’re prepared everyday you come in: nutrition, rest & recovery, mindset, and gear!


+ 2017 Reebok CrossFit Games Tickets – CrossFit Games
+ CrossFit Games Ticket Details Released – The Barbell Spin

CrossFit WOD for Monday 4/17

– establish a 1RM bench press in 25 minutes
– 500m row for time
– L-support, L-hang, each for time

Post all three scores to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 4, Day 1

snatch + snatch balance w/ hold, back squats, snatch push press, 1/2 situps, weighted back extensions, pause snatch high-pull, bent-over row

Kettlebell WOD

Primal crawling warmup

Starting workout with swings to warm up hinge. Windmills, Halos and lunges will be worked in.

Will then workshop our clean skills.

Finishing with front or goblet squats