Share heaviest lifts to whiteboard. Post-workout should involve lower back SMR on a foam roller, pec smash with a lax ball on the wall, hamstring stretching and overhead tricep smashing.
Setting an arched position does two things for us in bench pressing: 1.) it changes the angle of the shoulder in a more productive angle that keeps us safe and allows for fuller muscle engagement, and 2.) provides the shoulders a way to pull back shortening the arms, fire off the lats, and shorten the range of motion even more by lifting the sternum up towards the bar.
(BTW because of him talking about it all the time, I think Zevia >>>>> La Croix)
CrossFit WOD for Thursday 6/21
establish a bench press max, then
50-40-30-20-10 reps for time:
double unders
Performance does unbroken double unders and GHDSU.
Post results to whiteboard!
HIIT WOD – 12pm & 5:30pm
1 round of :30 running in place, :10 squat jacks (aka drop squats)
– high knee run
– butt kickers
– broad/long jump to backwards hop
– icky shuffle
– carioca
– icky shuffle
– broad/long jump to backwards hop
– butt kickers
[recover and stretch hamstrings then t-spine/shoulder/elbow wrist DROM for throwing] 20:26:252018-06-21 00:14:13Of Course This Video Was Sponsored By Zevia
We’re going to max out the bench press again so if you missed Monday you get another chance. If you WERE here let’s look for a 3RM max or grab a board and see if you can go over 100% with a shorter range-of-motion.
We’ll also hit the deadlift! Make sure your hands are ready and your posterior chain is set.
Here we go! We’re about to begin a new cycle and so we need to retest some old things while setting your standard for work to improve.
Danielle & Landon S
In no order we’ll hit a bench 1RM twice (3RM second time around), 1RM deadlift, a burpee/box jump benchmark, 100 pullups/max unbroken pullups, L-hang, L-supports, 2k row, 500m row, DIANNIE/DIANE, 1RM back squat, CGO 12.2, ANNIE, EMOM lifts (snatch, clean & jerk, deadlift), and THE CHIEF.
That’s a lot to fit into six days, yeah? Make sure you’re prepared everyday you come in: nutrition, rest & recovery, mindset, and gear!