Tag Archive for: bench press

WORKOUT for Monday 9/12/2022

(Week 5/8 of our squats program!)

every 6 minutes for 24 minutes:
5/9 muscle-up
9 burpee box jump overs, 16/24/36”
Max calorie row

Score = total calories. Post score to whiteboard!

READ: International Powerlifting Federation Unveils Bench Press Rule Change For 2023 – BarBend

Preparing to lift weights is like telling a good joke: it’s all about the setup!


+ 10 Bench Press Mistakes – StrongLifts

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 4/24


5 rounds for max reps:
max bench press, BW/.65BW
max pullups

Post score to whiteboard!


3:00 on, 1:00 off
– 1 ramp run
– 3 bench over & under
– 9 rolling v-up
Go for 15:00

2:00 on, 1:00 off twice
1. knuckle drag sandbag
2. body drag sandbag
3. plate jumps

2 rounds
1:00 burpees, :30 rest
1:00 jumping lunges, :30 rest
1:00 bear crawl, :30 rest
1:00 primal crawl, :30 rest

tabata one-arm plank (switch arms every round)

max wall sit (no hands on legs)

Gymnastic Strength WOD

hip extension work

Melissa using the rack to set her shoulder blade retraction before bench pressing


+ The “Bamboo Bar” – AB’s Vimeo

SCAPULAR RETRACTION: THE FOUNDATION OF A MONSTER PRESS ______________________________________ The bench press is rarely given the attention it deserves. It’s an oversimplified lift, which actually requires a high level of skill and training. The set up is arguably the most important portion of this lift, and learning how to properly execute it will not only lead to performance improvements, but will also reduce injury risk in the long term. ______________________________________ Your shoulder blades are the base from which your arms can move. You can produce more power from a stable platform, and in effect a bigger bench press by positioning your scapula in the right place prior to initiating the lift. In addition, this position will also prevent your humerus from excessively internally rotating and translating anteriorly, a position that can compromise tendons and ligaments that cross between the shoulder blade and humerus. _____________________________________ Sometimes however, this cue can be difficult to implement so I’m posting my three favorite bench warm up exercises for you to try. Engage your shoulder blades and be mindful of how it feels to have them “down and back” for when you lay down on the bench. @hybridperformancemethod

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CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 12/20

establish a heavy 5-rep bench press

two sets max effort bamboo bar

42-30-18 reps for time:
wall ball, 20/14# to 10/9′
ab-mat situps

Performance does 30/20# ball and GHDSU

Post time to whiteboard!

Kettlebell WOD

:30 on, :30 off
– one-arm swing L
– one-arm swing R
– hard-style swing
for 5 rounds

150 wall ball substitute for time