Tag Archive for: foam roller

SKILLS for Tuesday 5/31/2022 is BENCH PRESS

CONDITIONING for Tuesday 5/31/2022

Also just in case you’re really beat up due to yesterday’s volume:

FOAM ROLLING for Tuesday 5/31/2022

For those with weaker (or injury-prone) ankles TOE WALKING may be an accessory you add to your personal practice. Great for warmups before a jog or exercise this can be done anywhere.

Start with your knees completely locked, your butt tucked under your body, and your abs engaged. Start with a single calf raise to your absolute end-range then take very small steps forward, sideways, and backwards, moving from the hips.

Generally we would do this in lengths of 30 to 60 feet once or twice to build the strength and stamina of the muscles and joints of the lower leg, ankle, and feet.

IN-GYM WORKOUT for Wednesday 5/11/2021


Row until coach says otherwise, then 2:00 max hang, then movement patterns in your own lane!


every minute on the minute for 6 sets: DEADLIFT + CLEAN + JERK. Double up on one of the lifts! Suggested percentage loading: 60-65-70-75-75-75+


AMRAP in 20:00
100 double unders
60 lunges
20 pushups

Post results to whiteboard!

LISTEN: Goodwill Doesn’t Want Your Broken Toaster – NPR

Everyone seems to have a foam roller at home, but do they use them frequently enough?

We squat often so you should center quad roll.

We go overhead frequently so you should T-spine roll and side roll.

We pull weight from the ground all the time so you should roll out the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back.

If you can’t loosen the tension you carry you’ll always be at risk of injury. SO USE YOUR FOAM ROLLERS!

IN-GYM WORKOUT for Friday 4/9/2021

as many rounds as possible in 3 minutes:
2 push jerks
4 pogo burpees
6 front lunges

Rest 1:00. Repeat for a total of 5 rounds. Rx = 30/50/70kg.

Post all five scores to your journal/whiteboard.

READ: Fitness Is a Hedge Against Sickness – Power = Force * Distance / Time