Tag Archive for: Nadia T

Nadia T cycling some double unders


+ As Workouts Intensify, a Harmful Side Effect Grows More Common – NY Times

CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 7/19

for time:
5 strict muscle-ups
50 double-unders
4 strict muscle-ups
40 double-unders
3 strict muscle-ups
30 double-unders
2 strict muscle-ups
20 double-unders
1 strict muscle-up
10 double-unders

Post time to whiteboard / comments!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD

clean complex, front squats, rack jerks, accessories

Powerlifting WOD

back squat, press, deadlift, Sotts press, reverse hyper, split squats, hammer curls, half-kneeling wall press

Kettlebell WOD

Abridged primal warmup, Simple & Sinister

Happy Friday ya’ll! #champagnefriday #fcf #HYFRsquad #herowod #McGHEE

A post shared by Nadia Torres-Chinn (@ntorreschinn) on

Almost exactly a year ago!

First Friday is a little celebration we started back at CrossFit SLU when we wanted to celebrate life and training. It’s extended back to FCF and while we were hitting it hard for a while, it disappeared.

Well, it’s back!

– Athletes from 6am to 1pm expect some OJ, champagne for those of age, fruit, and other snacks!
– Athletes from 3:30pm expect some champagne, chips, and other snacks!

While we will try our best to provide for most, we’d like to see you guys bringing some stuff to share with your swolemates!


+ This Gym Was No Longer a Safe Space – Morning Chalk Up

CrossFit WOD for First Friday 5/5

EMOM for 10 minutes: 6 weighted pullups, then


AMRAP in 30 minutes:
400m run
20 wall ball, 20/14#
10 dumbbell thrusters, 2x 40/25kg


AMRAP in 30 minutes:
400m run
20 wall ball, 14/8#
10 single dumbbell thrusters, 30/20#


AMRAP in 30 minutes:
400m run
20 wall ball, 20/14#
10 thrusters, 61/43kg

Post rounds completed to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD

Snatch heavy, clean & jerk heavy. Maybe set a new PR.

Kettlebell WOD – New Friday class!

Abridged Primal Movement Warmup and Mobility

Carries around the block (suitcase)

Because we will have limited space, we will be working on basic movements at higher volume. Larger helpings of swings, presses and squats are on the menu. Prepare to sweat!

Gymnastics Strength – 8am!

max effort handstand work, dynamic L-sit work

core work, cast-wall walks, ring rows/lunges/HLR

Kai H, Nadia T, and Tina L

Our schedule has expanded! More classes and class times have been added to your muscular and sweaty pleasure. READ, DAMN IT, READ: http://www.foundationcrossfit.com/2017/04/2017-expanded-schedule/

We’re always tinkering, so if you have any ideas let us know.


+ Does the Sound of Noisy Eating Drive You Mad? Here’s Why. – TIME

She’s back!

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 4/27

5 rounds for time:
20 overhead squats, 43/29kg
20 toes-to-bar
20 calorie row

Performance uses Assault Bikes. Post time to whiteboard!

HellaFit WOD


50 each for time:

– wall balls
– active hangs
– double unders
– wall balls
– double unders
– active hangs
– wall balls

Nadia T

The power position is not only used in the reception of the bar, but also on the way up (aka Position 3) to make sure you’re providing a vertical bar path and power the movement with the legs.


+ The Power Position: The Most Important Position – Danny Camargo for Box Life Magazine

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 3/16

Grayson calls this one WEREWOLF

5 rounds for time:
10 power cleans, 61/43kg
10 ring rows
10 slam ball, 30/20#

In a prescribed ring row, the bottom of the ring meets the level of the surface you place your feet.

Post time to whiteboard.

HellaFit WOD


Lindsay C, Gina M, Nadia T

Great work this weekend with CGO 17.3! After Week 2 of the FCF Intramural Open our standings are: 1.) FLEX APPEAL, 2.) Thundercats, 3.) Blue Barracudas

Quick overview of this week’s training: bench presses, thruster/pullups, dip/kb swings/t2b/push press/burpees, DIANE, clean/ring row/slam ball, CGO 17.4, row/situps/double unders/wall ball, and Grayson’s SWAT GEAR SHUTTLE! Oooooh.


+ How To Stop a Cold Dead In Its Tracks – CrossFit Invictus

CrossFit WOD for Monday 3/13

bench press 4x3x85%

AMRAP in 7 minutes:
3 thrusters, 43/29kg
3 pullups
6 thrusters, 43/29kg
6 pullups
9 thrusters, 43/29kg
9 pullups

Post score to whiteboard!

NOTE: We have a special 3:30pm variation of the workout to celebrate a huge WODclub milestone for Aimee P! Come join if you can.

Olympic Weightlifting WOD

lifts: snatches up to 92%, back squats up to 95, and snatch-grip Romanian deadlifts
accessories: box jumps, death march, Chinese plank

Kettlebell WOD

Ground Force
Drills for perfecting swings

CrossFit WOD for Saturday 3/11

in partners, for time:
90 burpees
80 situps
70 perfectly vertical kettlebell swings
60 HR pushups
50 synchro kettlebell lunges
400m farmer’s carry together

In this workout each pair will have a pair of kettlebells. They may not touch the ground, otherwise the entire workout starts from scratch.

Post time to whiteboard.