Tag Archive for: reebok

We’re beginning another eight-week PULLING STRENGTH* cycle. You can download the PDF from the link below so you can work on it at home or elsewhere too! I do invite everyone to feel free to come and do this at the gym even if you aren’t working out in class that day. Let’s see what kind of development we can get before the 2018 CrossFit Open is here in late February.

*Or pushing strength. Up to you, but I’d prefer we get your pulling strength up!


+ 8-Week Pull/Push Strength Ladder – Foundation CrossFit

CrossFit WOD for Monday 12/18

Gymnastics Strength class sample

– Seiza ankle complex, banded samson stretch


:45 on, :15 off for 4 rounds FOR QUALITY of the following:
– hollow (weighted hollow)
– false-grip hang (eagle-grip false-grip)
– arch (banded arch)
– bottom-of-dip (on rings)


– banded beat swing for tactile cue
– transfer skill to the rings
– hand position
– grip
– body shapes
– energy output and rhythm


3(1,2,1) pull/push

Kettlebell WOD

Abridged Primal Movement Warmup and Mobility

Rack and OH work

Shoulder and hip mobility

Swings, presses and squats.

Erika doing some shoulder taps in the 6am Powerlifting class


+ CrossFit Nano 6.0 Black/Gum Limited Rerelease – Reebok CrossFit Store

CrossFit WOD for Monday 11/13

for time:
40 (strict) pullups
40 jerks, 55/38kg

Post time to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week , Day 1/3

snatch complex, snatch pull complex, tempo back squats

accessories: box jumps, bent-over rows, 2-position situps

Powerlifting WOD – Week 7/7, Day 1/4

bench press 1RM

Kettlebell WOD

Primal mobility

Lifts and chops

Cleans and the presses

Snatch skill focus