Tag Archive for: snatch

Join us for CORE class in-person or online every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 12:30pm.

RSVP via PushPress for meeting room info if you’re joining virtually.

WORKOUT for Wednesday 8/25/2021

snatch 50-60-70-80-90 (3) then

every minute on the minute for 15:00
a. 4 muscle-ups
b. 8 jerks, 50/70kg
c. 12 box jumps, 24/30”

Post heaviest snatch to whiteboard!



CONDITIONING for Friday 10/16/2020


5 rounds for time:
10 lunges
10 pushups
10 squats

Start & end with 50 situps. Post time to comments!

READ: What Happens to Your Brain When You Stop Drinking Alcohol – Domino

High elbows, loose hands


+ 5 Tips For Receiving Position in Snatch – Torokhtiy

CrossFit WOD for Monday 4/17

work up to a heavy load in 10 minutes: 3 power clean + 2 front squats

42-30-18 for time:
wall ball, 20/14#

100 double unders after each set. 15:00 time cap.

Post loading and time to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 7/7, Day 1/3

snatch + drop snatch
clean + hip clean
rack jerk

Powerlifting WOD – Week 7/7, Day 1/3

back squat max
press max

Andrew S at the In-House Meet

Okay- enough with the samplers! Back to your regularly-scheduled CrossFit sprint workouts.


+ How to Become a Snatch Master – CrossFit Invictus

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 12/19

establish a heavy snatch in 15 minutes, then

21-15-9 reps for time:
power snatch, 43/29kg
burpee over bar

Performance = squat snatch

Post time to whiteboard!

CompEx WOD

many things!

Gymnastics Strength WOD

27 squat series
Ido Portal Squat Therapy
GS squat series

dumbbell death march

tabata hanging
– overhand grip
– underhand grip
– L-hang

1min each for 5 rounds
– hollow rock
– arch rock / bridge rock
– paleo chair / OHS chair

stretching sheet


Short Interval

:50 on, :10 off for 15:00
– seated db bicep curl to Arnold press
– lateral lunge
– hand step-up (plank … handstand)

:40 on, :20 off for 12:00
a1. hi/lo plank
a2. mountain climber
a3. T-pushup
a4. hi/lo plank
a5. mountain climber
a6. T-pushup
b. Hip Circle crescent walk

:20 on, :10 off for 10:00
power skip off box
side-to-side slam ball