Tag Archive for: staff

Throwback Thursday: a staff picture with Nate and Carl the last time we hosted a Freestyle Connection Seminar

“So what’s this seminar we’re hosting on Tuesday all about?”


This is a 2 hour workshop designed to be an exploration of movement thru the Freestyle Connection framework. The seminar will help attendees set movement standards and learn to create universal progressions.

Specifically Carl will address:
– Freestyle Connection Framework. A universal language for movement.
– Principles of Motor Control
– Pushing and Pulling
– The theory of Blocking Movement

This seminar is designed to help you:
* Turn on and trust your intuition about movement
* Use tools that help optimize imperfect movement
* Tap into the universal movement patterns and progressions underlying all disciplines
* Use Carl Paoli’s movement framework to create roadmaps for your physical success
* Learn what being strong really means


+ Scaling Your WOD, It Goes Both Ways – Just Alyssa


– Community CrossFit class on Sunday, 9/24 at Noon!
– Carl Paoli brings his Freestyle Connection Seminar to FCF on Tuesday, 9/26! Late evening classes cancelled for the event.

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 9/21

AMRAP in 10 minutes:
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats

rest 5 minutes then

AMRAP in 10 minutes:
12 deadlifts, 70/48kg
9 hang power cleans, 70/48kg
6 jerks, 70/48kg

Performance does it in reverse order (DT then CINDY).

Post both scores to whiteboard!

HellaFit WOD

Our take on bootcamp workouts, this class challenges you for the entire hour with a blend of strength and conditioning that works all the major muscle groups and focuses on functional movement. HellaFit will get you #hellasweaty while having #hellafun!

Happy Champagne Friday! By this time some of you have already done 17.1. Priority is to hit this workout with everyone on Saturday from 10am-12pm but if you’re unable to make it, you can do the workout with class every Friday. Don’t forget to RSVP! The last day to sign up for the CF Games Open is Monday, February 27th!

Coach Andrew

I’ve participated in every one of the Opens! I sign up because it keeps everyone, especially myself, accountable for my fitness and its progression. The main reason I wanted to do the Open was to kickstart my CrossFitting again. I’ve mainly been focused on weightlifting competition, but I do miss the things that come along with consistent CrossFit training. My favorite thing about the Open is the camaraderie and the push for improvement I see from athletes every year. People who enter without a double under leave with many. Personal records are smashed. Everyone finishes with a huge sense of accomplishments and stronger relationships with each other and FCF. I’d like to see snatches and toeS-to-bar and box jumps. I hope wall ball doesn’t show up (but it will). I also really dislike walking lunges because it’s a logistical nightmare to set everything up.

Coach Tina

2015 was my very first Open, and I had only been doing CrossFit for about 3-4 months. It was terrible. It was embarrassing. I remember I maxed out at a 40kg c&j during 15.1 and wanted to die.

I continue to sign up because I’ve stuck with training consistently and have gotten better. Now it’s fun, not terrifying. I get that good kind of nervous because I know I’ll survive, and the end result is deeply satisfying. I also love our community, the camaraderie, and contributing to the FCF team spirit.

My favorite part is getting to demonstrate what I’m capable of doing now that I wasn’t capable of the year before. Progress! The ranking system is nearly irrelevant (not completely though  ). I also love cheer-screaming for others and bearing witness to their achievements.

I hope to see plenty of weightlifting, and I love double unders. My weak areas are wall balls and rowing–those will likely show up, but honestly, I’m looking forward to how terrible it will be and coming out the other side with new goals to focus on.

Coach Anthony

-What year was it when you participated in your first Open and what did you experience?
2014, a lot of fun & excitement.

-Why do you continue to sign up?
To be part of the FCF community & see if I’ve improved compared to previous years.

-What is your favorite thing about the Open?
It provides a true gauge of what you can & can’t do. It can either put you on cloud nine or crush your soul!

-What movements do you hope to see this year? Or NOT want to see?
Cleans & Snatches! Don’t want to see DUs & pistols.

Coach Sarah

-What year was it when you participated in your first Open and what did you experience?
My first CGO was 2013 and I’ve participated every year since then. I went into my first Open after a year away from the gym and I felt out of shape and intimidated. Without the support of a friend (CHERYL!), I would have “missed” more of the workouts, but she got me into the gym just before the submission deadline. This time of year serves as a reminder of why I value our community- the love, energy and determination is undeniable!

-Why do you continue to sign up?
I continue to sign up for the open because it’s my duty as a leader in our community! It’s an opportunity for me to show athletes that I am pursuing fitness as well…talk the talk and walk the walk, ya know?!
If I’ve learned one thing over the years, it’s consistency. We can’t always give 100% in our workouts, but we CAN just show up, put in a little work and then get back to life. This time of year forces me to evaluate my own progress throughout the year- what skills have improved? And most importantly, what have I learned about myself in the past year?

-What is your favorite thing about the Open?
My favorite thing is to witness the physical triumphs and overwhelming support shown for each athlete, whether they are fresh out of Foundations or an awe-inspiring veteran. It reveals our inclusivity.

-What movements do you hope to see this year? Or do NOT?
Well…typically I would say bring on the wall balls, heavy cleans and double unders, but I’m recently injured, so I’d just like to be able to put up a score for each workout . How about some more bar MUs!

Coach Adrian

– What year was it when you participated in your first Open and what did you experience?
The first time I participated in the Open was in 2013, when I started coaching CrossFit. The coaches would participate in a Friday Night Lights event for the gym members as a way to show how to go through the workouts (i.e. Rx vs. Scaled, strategy, etc)

-Why do you continue to sign up?
I do the workouts as a challenge to myself being that I don’t train full-time as a CrossFit athlete. It allows me to set an example for members of the gym and other coaches by showing that I can do all movements at the RX standard with good form and show that as a coach, I’m still human and suffer through the suck of specific movements and types of workouts.

-What is your favorite thing about the Open?
My favorite part of the open is being in the position to help motivate and push people to exceed their own expectations for their performance and help them get one step closer to reaching their goals, whether it be strength/technique/stamina/etc. I’m open to seeing any and all movements whether I’m good/bad at them. I’ve spent more time than ever in doing WODs and Metcons to help prep and just increase my work capacity.

Coach Gus

My first Open was 2015..or 2014? I can’t remember. I was intimidated! There were a lot of movements I couldn’t do Rx but instead of getting discouraged, I decided to use that as a way to make a list of goals leading up the the next Open. I don’t officially sign up for the Open due to CrossFit’s stance on not allowing transgender athletes to compete, rather I am a member of a nationwide Facebook group and we have our own “Open” and spreadsheet.

I enjoy doing the workouts with my FCF friends! And seeing how competitive everyone gets! I just compete with myself. I have a few goals for performance this year, and coming off of a lot of injuries and illnesses, I’ll be happy to just complete all the workouts! I hope I’ll see lots of box jumps, push-ups, and pull-ups! Also muscle-ups! I know there’s NO CHANCE these will be left out of the Open this year but I really hope they forget about wall balls and/or thrusters!