Tag Archive for: TTT

WORKOUT for Monday 2/21/2022

CGO 20.5

for time:
40 muscle-ups
80 calorie row
120 wall ball, 10/14/20lbs

20:00 time cap. Partition the workout however you’d like. Please note the different workout variations and choose the one most appropriate for yourself. Compare to 1/3/2022 and 11/8/2019. Post score to whiteboard!

READ: CrossFit 20.5 Ultimate Strategy for Rx, Masters, and Scaled – WODprep
READ: CGO 20.5 Workout Description and Strategies – Morning Chalk Up
CHECK: The CrossFit Games Open 20.5 Scoresheet – CrossFit Games

WORKOUT for Saturday 9/25/2021

6 sets of 1 front squat
(50/5, 75/5, 85/3, 95/1, 95/1, 95/1+)

5 rounds for time:
20 perfectly-vertical kettlebell swings
20 kettlebell lunges
20 situps

During the lunges you may hold the bell wherever you please: suitcase, rack, goblet, boombox, overhead, etc. Post loads and times to whiteboard.