Free Community Class!
We are offering a free Community CrossFit class this Saturday!
Are you a member here? Bring your friends, family, and/or co-workers to join us for a workout appropriate for them! It’s a great opportunity to finally bring that person you’ve been annoying with your “PRs”, “tabatas”, and untimely stretching. Show them what FCF has to offer.
Not a member, but interested in what we do here? Come on by anyway. Also feel free to bring some friends along. We’ll show you all the things you’ve been watching us do online!
These are scheduled to lead up to our Foundations On-Ramp program. The purpose of this program is to introduce interested athletes to our facility, our community, and the CrossFit methodology. It also prepares them and their “toolbox” to be ready to be released into our ongoing group classes.
These class are open to members, non-members, experienced, non-experienced CrossFit athletes. Depending on your fitness level it can also be ‘just sweaty’ or ‘super tough’. We’ll guide you through regardless. The workouts are definitely approachable and relatively non-technical, but most importantly, fun! Don’t we look like a fun group!?
You can RSVP on our online scheduling system, or just show up! (Members who RSVP to the class, we will return the class to you so that it doesn’t count against you.)
Our next On-ramp will run January 17th through February 11th. The full course is 12 classes, 4-weeks. Click here for details.
Choose one of the following series:
– 7:00am Tuesday, Thursday & 10:00am on Saturdays
– 11:00am Tuesday, Thursday & 10:00am on Saturdays
– 7:30pm Tuesday, Thursday & 10:00am on Saturdays
Check out our free Community CrossFit Class to get a feel for what we offer!
The complete Foundations Program is a 4-week, 12-class course for $275. Take the first 3 classes for $100. After the completion of the first week, you have the option of completing the remaining classes in the course for an additional $175.