Monday was Volume, Tuesday is Load!
The squad after every single person finished!
You’ve done MURPH. Now what?
Let’s start with hydration and nutrition- you were sweating a lot during and you were sweating a lot after. You need to continue replenishing your fluids throughout the next couple of days for the muscle breakdown and rebuild process.
That said, you also need to practice good nutrition: quality carbs, quality protein, and quality fats (up your Omega-3 intake!) build quality muscle and lower the amount of junk in the system that could lead to inflammation/puffiness and soreness.
Also: keep moving! Bring the intensity down, but movement is medicine. Try the stretching routine video below!
This week: back squats, tabata front squats, double unders/burpees, snatch deadlift + hang snatch + OHS lifting complex, clean deadlift + hang clean + jerk lifting complex, “NANCY”, the FABULOUS FORTY birthday workout, CGO 18.1, and a Team work/hold workout.
Also: last chance to jump into this WEIGHTLIFTING / POWERLIFTING block ends tonight! REGISTER BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE.
+ Squat Because Your Brain Needs Strong Legs – Breaking Muscle
CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 5/29
back squat 5x5x75-80%
tabata front squats, 43/29kg
3 rounds for time:
50 double unders
30 burpees
Post tabata score and time to whiteboard!