It’s the Freaking Weekend
Play outside while you have a chance to soak up the sun!
+ Top 10 Moments From the 2018 CrossFit Games – Morning Chalk Up
CrossFit WOD for Friday 8/10
“CHELSEA” (Fitness)
every minute on the minute for 30 minutes:
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats
“MEREDITH” (Performance)
every minute on the minute for 30 minutes:
10 pistols, alternating
15 pullups
Post score to whiteboard!
Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 2/4, Day 3/3
muscle clean
clean pull + hang clean + clean
clean pull + clean variation
clean pull
rack jerk
Powerlifting WOD – Week 2/4, Day 3/3
strict press
Dimel deadlift
Sumo Romanian deadlift
Romanian deadlift
CrossFit WOD for Saturday 8/11
You Go, I Go
10 1:00 rounds:
25 air squats
max clean & jerks, 70/49kg
Take at least 2:00 to rest between attempts.
Post score (total C&J) to whiteboard!
CrossFit WOD for Sunday 8/12
for time:
1.5 mile run
100 wall ball, 20/14 lbs
50 burpees
25 bar muscle-up
Post time to whiteboard!