Case of the Mondays

A couple of clarifications about the next FOUR Fridays:
– The evenings won’t be run like a traditional class, but as a member you should still come in to do your workout: we’ll have warmups and skill prep written on a whiteboard for you to follow!
– You don’t have to be registered to throw down during FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS.
– You don’t have to have completed the Online Judges Course to judge anyone.
– If you are retesting you are responsible for providing your own judge.
– If you really care about improving your performance record your workouts so you can analyze it (like in the video below)
– The three raffles for Friday Night Lights are for everyone who is present. There are many ways to earn tickets.

Leaderboards as of Sunday evening
FCF Ladies
FCF Gents

CrossFit WOD for Monday 10/14

AMRAP in 10:00 of
200m run
max unbroken pullups

then take 10:00 to establish a front squat 1RM

Post results to whiteboard!

READ: “Goodnight Moon,” Almost 75 Years Later – LA Review of Books
WATCH: How to Video Reveiw to Improve Your Repeat – Training Think Tank