Day 28: Shrugging Underneath
CrossFit WOD for Sunday 3/1/2020
3 rounds for max total reps
1:00 med ball cleans, 30/20/10lbs
1:00 z-press, 2×35/25/15lbs
1:00 ring row
1:00 box jump overs, 24/20/16”
1:00 calorie bike/ski/row
1:00 rest
Share score (max total reps) to whiteboard!
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Saturday, Feb. 29
9 AM – spinach protein smoothie, 2 slices turkey bacon, rolled oats and brown sugar, coffee and cream
Endurance club
11 AM – protein bar
1 PM – mac salad, kale salad, 2 chicken breasts
3 PM – cashews and green tea
7 PM – tostadas, pollo tacos, chips and guac, hard cider
9 PM – handful popcorn, 4 girl scout cookies