
Check out our WEEKEND schedule

  • Saturday whenever you’re ready: Manny’s SHADOWBOXING class  – watch for the link here at 10am!
  • Sunday at 10am on Zoom is YOGA with Ivan
  • Sunday at 1pm on IG Live is COOKING with Dave

SESSION for Friday 5/8/2020


a. 5:00 variety of squats (27 Squats, GB Squats, etc)

b. banded pull aparts
– 5 palms downs (overhand grip)
– 5 palms in (hammer grip)
– 5 palms up (underhand grip)
REPEAT diagonal x 2

6 min AMRAP
12 Jumping Squats
12 Jumping Lunges
12 Rocking Hollows
12 Rolling Arches


3 x 8-12 (3 sets of 8-12 reps per arm)
1/2 Kneeling 1 arm Db Press (medium)
rest 30s/rest 1min between sets
3 x 8-12 (3 sets of 8-12 reps per arm)
Single arm Db Overhead Squats (medium)
rest 30s/rest 1min between sets
3 x 8-12 3 sets of 8-12 reps per arm)
Single arm Db Snatch (medium)
1min between sets

For Reps
E3MOM x 2
20 High Knees (total)
20 Butt Kickers (total)
20 Cossack Squats (total) w/weight (light)
– then – (after this EMOM rest remainder of time and go on to next EMOM)
E3MOM x 2
20 KB Goblet Squats (medium)
20 KB Good mornings (medium)
20 KB Weighted Crunch (medium)

NO EQUIPMENT: Load up a backpack!


Upper body stretching, child’s pose, twists, up/down dog

2nd Serving- Need More Work? (Strength-Biased)

AMRAP in 3:00
7 plyo pushups
7 squat thrusts
7 jumping squats

rest 2:00

AMRAP in 5:00
14 pushups
14 squat thrusts
14 jumping lunges

HSPU Strength Ladder: EMOM x6 of 1-2-1 reps

READ: Coronavirus – A Brief History – Pocket
WATCH: Workout Prep video for yesterday’s workout

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