
When’s the last time you hung on something?

SESSION for Thursday 5/14/2020


a. Joint Prep – Particular attention to hinge and hip movements
b. McGill’s Big Three
c. 3 rounds, ramping up speed each round of
5 Air Squats
5 Push Ups
5 Sit Ups
5 Dive Bomber Push Ups
5 Hip Thrusts


3 rounds for max effort:
10 tuck jumps
5 mannmakers (heavy)
2:00 rest

3 rounds for max effort:
10 Burpees
5 mannmakers (heavy)
2:00 rest

3 rounds for max effort:
5 Devils Press (heavy)
5 mannmakers (heavy)
2:00 rest


5 min Straddle, focus on breathing, inhale through nose, exhale out mouth.

NO EQUIPMENT? NO PROBLEM! Load up a backpack for lifting.

2nd Serving- Need More Work? (Endurance-Bias)

800m run at moderate pace, 1:00 rest
400m run at moderate pace, 1:00 rest
600m run at moderate pace, 1:00 rest

2:00 rest

2 rounds of a 400m run at moderate pace, :40 rest
2 rounds of a 200m run at moderate pace, :40 rest
2 rounds of a 300m run at moderate pace, :40 rest

2:00 rest

4 rounds of a 200m run at moderate pace, :20 rest
4 rounds of a 100m run at moderate pace, :20 rest
4 rounds of a 150m run at moderate pace, :20 rest

Total = 5400m run. Can do a rowing version at 1.25x distance. 2x that distance on a bike. Or in a pool.

HSPU Strength Ladder: EMOM x6 of 1-2-1 reps

READ: 5 Exercises to Offset Too Much Sitting – CNN
WATCH: a Follow-Along Workout featuring 200 overhead lunges

1 reply
  1. Samudra
    Samudra says:

    Thanks for posting the videos, Andrew! Helps a lot if you can’t make it to the classes.

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