JUNETEETH Friday 6/19

Make sure you allow our Black friends and family the entire day to celebrate in the #CHOP. Non-Black allies can help around the perimeter, otherwise go out and support Black-owned businesses!

You can purchase prints of the BLACK LIVES MATTER art on Pine St direct from the artists here at 11am PST.

WORKOUT for Juneteenth, Friday 6/19/2020

10-to-1 reps for time:
odd-object deadlifts
HSPU or pike pushups

Equipped Option:
10-to-1 reps for time:
deadlifts (medium-heavy: 2x 50/35/20lbs dumbbells, 2×24/16/8kg kettlebells, 103/70/50kg)
HSPU or pike pushups

Time cap is 10:00 so utilize loading and skills that allow you to finish within that time. Post time and equipment used (if any) to comments.

2nd Serving: Need More Work?

400m overhead carry, rest 2:00, repeat for a total of 3 rounds

HSPU Strength Ladder: EMOM x7 do 1-2-1 reps


What is Juneteenth and why should we celebrate it?