Thursday 6/18

We can now offer Personal Training (1-on-1), but we cannot start classes yet.

Thank you to the medical community!

WORKOUT for Thursday 6/18/2020

Tabata (:20 work/:10 rest, x8) goblet squats, rest until 5:00 on the clock then
Tabata plank runs, rest until 10:00 on the clock then
Tabata weighted Russian twists

Post lowest score of each tabata to comments!

2nd Serving: Need More Work?

2-3 rounds of
1/2 Tabata (:20 work/:10 rest, x4) Bicep Curls
1/2 Tabata Z-Press
1/2 Tabata Seated Tricep Extension

READ: Four Takeaways From the Rogue Invitation – Morning Chalk Up

Did you watch the Rogue Fitness Invitational this past weekend? It was a great event that showed some ingenuity about how would run an event during a pandemic. Rogue sent athletes full care packages of equipment, sent out a judge and camera crew and ran an amazing event. The word Cr*ssF*t was never mentioned and shows that maybe the Games may not be the gold standard in the future.