Tuesday 7/7
WORKOUT for Tuesday 7/7/2020
MALEFICENT – “Well, this is a pleasant surprise. I set my trap for a peasant, and lo, I catch you….”
AMRAP in 20:00
2 rolling v-up
1 candlestick roll
5 jumping air squats
1 burpee
for time: 150 heavy object step-ups. EMOM 5 burpees
Time cap is 16:00 for Aurora’s birthday. Go find your princess & kiss him/her/them.
Post results to comments!
Pullup Strength Ladder (Week 2 of 12)
every minute on the minute x4 do 1-2-1 reps
READ: A Users Guide to Masks: What’s Best At Protecting Others (and Yourself) – NPR