Wednesday 7/15
We’ve been focusing on tons of “rehab exercises” to reinforce joint health and will continue for the foreseeable future before we prioritize speed or loading. Let’s avoid any and all overuse injury by having resilient joints.
CONDITIONING for Wednesday 7/15/2020
3 Rounds:
- 1:00 Double Unders/Penguin Jumps
- 1:00 Air Squats
- 1:00 Push Ups
- 1:00 Jumping Jacks
2:00 rest then tabata jumping lunges
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We’ll need to pace this one a bit more, as there are no rests. That said, the first WOD is only 12:00 long so athletes should will still need to push each movement. If you don’t push then you won’t get the stimulus. Being bodyweight, try to burnout early than take it easy and not get a good workout.
Cool Down
- 1:00 Nasal breathing
1:00 TAY TAY/side - 1:00 Sitting Quad Stretch/side
- 1:00 Straddle Center
- 1:00 Straddle Left
- 1:00 Straddle Right
- 1:00 Nasal breathing
Pullup Strength Ladder: E2MOM x2 do 1-2-3-2-1 reps
READ: Motivation is Overrated – OUTSIDE
WATCH: Recovery stretches with Sandi Pants