Rent a rower or a squat stand for $60. Email us to reserve yours today

YOGA for Sunday 11/22/2020

Catch it on Zoom at 10am! RSVP on PushPress

READ: Dr. Justin Tausig – Finding Productivity in Chaos – HUMBLED

Podcast description:

We are getting conflicting messages regarding productivity in this time of chaos. Some are telling us to learn new skills, master sourdough making, and take online courses. Others are encouraging us to take it easy, watch a movie, do less. For athletes, who were mentally prepared to be working hard and staying focused before competitive seasons and training plans were derailed, the path forward is uncertain. Dr. Justin Tausig, a former pro fencer turned sports and performance psychologist, is encouraging athletes to stay productive during this crisis. Focus on what you can do, rather than what you can’t, and do at least one productive thing a day.

CONDITIONING for Saturday 11/21/2020

HIIT with Team Mots premieres at 10am!

READ: Seahawks Defense Comes Up Huge in 28-21 Win Over Cardinals – FieldGulls


CONDITIONING for Champagne Friday 11/20/2020


10 rounds for time:
8 goblet squats
8 handstand/hand-release pushups

Do whichever version of the push you have. If you have any handstand pushups, try to do the first handful of reps (no more than three attempts) each round before turning them into hand-release. If you don’t have any HSPU then do T-pushups. Eight reps per movement shouldn’t be too hard, but localized fatigue in the shoulders and legs will occur so rest to recharge before going again.

25:00 time cap. Post times to comments.

It’s Friday- hit the work day hard, hit your workout harder, then hit that relaxation for the weekend the hardest.

READ: Urge Congress to Include Help For Gyms in the COVID-19 Relief Plan – Community Gyms Coalition

It’s so important that we support all our favorite small and local businesses so we can all get through the winter together. Spend early if you can so they can pay their employees and their bills. We can’t thank you enough for your support through the years and plan to be here as long as we can- as we all know working on our fitness and health isn’t something that’s as easy or doable without a community.

The link above takes you do a fill form to email your officials to help the national fitness communities that are so important to so many of us.

In our Zoom classes you’ll see WTD (weighted) and unWTD (unweighted aka bodyweight) listed. This informs you and the other athletes if you need something handy nearby- a kettlebell, a dumbbell, a medicine ball, a weighted backpack, bottle of tequila, etc. You can expect movements like this:

While preferred you can always use a weight to make bodyweight classes more difficult, and if you find yourself in a situation where you do not have any loading but can only attend a WTD class then just show up! You can do more challenging bodyweight movements by changing leverage or by increasing volume. This means a normal pushup could potentially become something more complex like this:

CONDITIONING for Thursday 11/19/2020


21-15-9 reps for time:
burpee box jumps
power cleans
weighted step-ups

Find a height that allows you to pop up immediately after getting upright from the burpee. Power cleans ideally would be heavy (we imagined a 61/43/29kg barbell), and the weighted step-ups would occur with your standard CFOpen weights of 50/25/10lbs to the same thing you were jumping onto. 20:00 time cap. Post times to comments!

READ: Bear Crawling the NYC Marathon to Raise Awareness For Mental Health – Katie Couric

We plan to bring back our Shoot the Shit Q&A’s on Instagram, which we ran during the initial shutdown. Have any questions or things you’d like us to discuss? Comment and we’ll see you at 3pm this Friday on our @foundationgym instagram.

CONDITIONING for Tuesday 11/17/2020


go as far as possible in 7:00
4-8-12-16-20-etc reps of
alternating devil’s presses
lateral burpee over dumbbell

This means you do 4 devil’s presses, 4 lateral burpee, 8 devil’s press, 8 lateral burpee, 12/12, etc.

Post score to comments!


With COVID-19 cases spiking across the nation and in Washington, our state government has decided to reinstate statewide restrictions. EFFECTIVE TUESDAY, we will not run in-gym classes. Instead, fitness can be achieved at home and outdoors, both on your own and with our recommendations. Check your inbox for this week’s workouts and more details on this news.⁣

As of today, Tuesday Nov 17 we will stop classes until State guidance says otherwise. We look forward to reopening in December and seeing your healthy and happy faces again!⁣

We all need to stay vigilant – please mask up, stay physically distant from others, and stay home unless absolutely necessary.⁣

The health and safety of our community and staff is always our top priority. We’ll notify you as we have more details about our reopening timeframe.⁣

CONDITIONING for Tuesday 11/17/2020


for time:
6:00 cardio (jump rope/run/row/etc)
50 power cleans
40 box jumps
30 shoulder-to-overhead
20 pogo burpees

Choose whatever form of cardio is available to you: the workout was created with jump roping (double unders or single unders) in mind. You’ll also need something you can clean 50x then go overhead with 30x, something to jump on top of, and room to burpee. Figure out how to chop up the sets, but continue moving as much as you can.

Post time to comments.

READ: How WA’s New COVID-19 Restrictions Are Different From March Stay-At-Home Order – KING5

READ: Inslee Announces Statewide Restrictions for Four Weeks

Members: please check your inboxes for our weekly newsletter!

CONDITIONING for Monday 11/16/2020


AMRAP in 12:00
:30 handstand (or plank)
:30 (jumping) lunges

Today’s workout is a static position coupled with a dynamic movement. The pairing should challenge your lower half, especially if you opt for the plank instead of a handstand. Otherwise to reach the intended stimulus you should be truly going for maximum repetition every time you get to the lunges.

Post results to comments.


MOBILITY for Sunday 11/15/2020

Join us at 10am on Zoom for Yoga, live with IVAN.MVMT. RSVP via PushPress for Meeting ID and Password

HIIT for Saturday 11/14/2020

What a week! What are we eating/drinking tonight?

Champagne Friday 11/13/2020


AMRAP in 12:00
12 hang clusters
12 single-leg squats
12 T-pushups

How heavy can you go for the hang clusters? Ideally done with a barbell at a medium weight, you can still modify this to a kettle/dumbbell and maybe do 12 reps PER side if the loading isn’t as heavy, or the rep load isn’t as challenging.

READ: The Many Identities of the Future Madam Vice President – BBC
WATCH: As a Filipino-American this representation makes me very happy. Take a look at some of the tradition around the holidays I grew up with in Disney fashion