Earning Points in the 2022 Intramural Open
(More on the 2022 FOUNDATION GYM Intramural Open here)
This is a competition so of course we’re scoring.
Points will be awarded by FOUNDATION HQ after every event. Those officially registered to the CrossFit Games Open simply earn more points because they’re putting themselves out there.
Score Entry = 1 point
Entering your score into the CrossFit Games site/app
Pride = 1 point
Wear any FOUNDATION apparel during the Saturday Event
Social = 1 point
Posting a relevant picture/video and tag @foundationgym or #HYFRsquad. Earn your team a maximum of 1 point per week.
Podium = 1 point
Top three FOUNDATION athletes in each division/gender earns one extra point for their teams. This applies to every leaderboard FOUNDATION HQ can access on the CrossFit Games website.
Attendance = 2 points
Non-registered members that competes at the Saturday Eventearn their teams two points.
Judging = 2/3 points
Validate and confirm performances! Those who judge someone else on Saturday events will earn either 2 or 3 points (dependent on the Online Judges Course. See below for more info)
Personal Records = 3 points
Perform your first-ever skill or do better in a retest? Be awarded three extra points!
Most Spirited = 10 points
Who represents the spirit of FOUNDATION GYM? The team with the most encouragement, noise, pride, and PRESENCE each week will receive 10 points per standout action. Multiple teams can win.
Judges Course = 10 points
Pass the 2022 Online Judges Course and email the PDF to info@foundationcrossfit.com. Screenshots don’t count. If you forward me a link, it doesn’t count. Get me that PDF and then it’s 10 points to Gryffindor your team!
Official Judgement will have their certificates displayed on the office.
– The 2022 Intramural Open – Foundation Gym
– Preparing For the CrossFit Open – CrossFit Games YouTube
– The CrossFit Open for Newbies: Your Guide to Strategy and Beyond – Morning Chalk Up