WORKOUT for Saturday 4/2/2022

6 rounds for time:
10 overhead squats, 20/35/50kg
15 toes-to-bar
200m run

Scale OHS to FS if overhead mobility or stability is an issue. Priority is on depth first and foremost. Post time to whiteboard!


WORKOUT for Friday 4/1/2022

150 wall ball for time (10:00 cap), 8/14/20lbs

(Rx+ is 150 bell ball for time)


EMOM x 12
a. 6 (alternating) split snatches
b. 12+ toes-to-bar

Post time to whiteboard!


SKILLS for Thursday 3/31/2022 is the CLEAN

MOBILITY for Thursday 3/31/2022

WORKOUT for Wednesday 3/30/2022

5 sets of 3:00 work/1:00 rest of:
18/25 calorie bike (or 70 double unders)
10 burpee box jump overs, 12/20/24″
2 squat cleans, as heavy as possible

Complete the work as quickly as possible and use the remaining time to adjust the weight on the barbell and rest enough to go hard again. Post heaviest successful load to whiteboard!


SKILLS for Tuesday 3/29/2022 is the DEADLIFT

CONDITIONING for Tuesday 3/29/2022

WORKOUT for Monday 3/28/2022

5k row for time, then

12-minute AMRAP of
12 DB snatches, 20/35/50lbs
24 OH walking lunges

Alternating not required. Post scores to whiteboard!


Join us for YOGA with IVAN.MVMT at 10am on Zoom- RSVP via PushPress for meeting room info.

CONDITIONING for Sunday 3/27/2022