Kettlebell class

“Theory without practice is as limited as practice without theory.”


– Community CrossFit Class this Saturday the 14th at 12PM, every person on Earth welcome! Tell your friends, fam, and coworkers interested in our upcoming Foundations program… or anyone else who just wants to sweat it out!
– Next Saturday, January 21st is our Annual Not-Holiday Party at Optimism Brewery (6-8pm reservation)


+ Paleoethics Signs Three-Year Sponsorship Agreement with CrossFit Games – The Barbell Spin

CrossFit WOD for Volume Wednesday 1/11

for time:
1k row
50 thruster, 20/15kg
30 sit-ups

then again at 2/3 and 1/3 of that volume. Rest 3 minutes between each. Post times to whiteboard.

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 3, Day 2

front squat, slow clean high pull + clean + jerk, push press

Kettlebell WOD

Ground force

Clean Skill Work

Armor Building (2 cleans, 1 press, 3 squats) you go, I go, for 20 minutes

5 minute warm down (not ground force)

Sheena C demos the “perfectly-vertical kettlebell swing” that we like to use for workouts like HELEN and its many variations.


+ The Formula For a Better Run – Aerobic Capacity

CrossFit WOD for Volume Tuesday 1/10

Double Pyramid HELEN

for time:
1200m run
63 kettlebell swings, 24/16kg
36 pullups
800m run
42 kettlebell swings, 24/16kg
24 pullups
400m run
21 kettlebell swings, 24/16kg
12 pullups

Focus on complete continuous motion the entire time. 25 min time cap. Post time to whiteboard!

HellaFit WOD


:45/:15 work/rest,
5 rounds

– pushup + scap ‘shup
– goblet squat
– Cossack squat
– shuttle sprint burpee
– v-up

Coach Andrea here. I’m taking off my coaching hat for a minute and putting on my Mama hat.
I hate doctors. And hospitals. And anything medical. Blah.
So, when I found out I was pregnant I wanted to avoid the hospital because I knew it would be so stressful for me to be in that environment. I decided to use midwives and have an out of hospital birth. What started off as a decision based off of fear became a path that left me feeling so empowered and inspired about giving birth. You would be surprised at the judgement passed on me for not planning to have my baby in the “safety” of a hospital!
I am so passionate about spreading the message to men, women, and their families that they have a choice in what their prenatal, labor and delivery care looks like. So many think they have to give birth in a hospital and any thing else is dangerous! As CrossFitters, we train for functional movement, so why not explore the idea that giving birth (THE MOST FUNCTIONAL MOVEMENT A WOMAN CAN DO) can be in a setting where you feel comfortable and even enjoy the experience?
Declan is the best PR I’ve ever experienced and I can say with confidence that is in large part because of the experience I had with my midwives and laboring at the comfort of my own home while feeling totally safe. If you or anyone you know has any interest or questions about home birth, please come and support this great cause!

Please join us for a fundraiser screening and discussion of the documentary Why Not Home? We will carry on the generosity of this holiday season on January 15 to raise money for Open Arms Perinatal Services. Open Arms is the only non-profit providing doula services specifically for low-income women in Washington State.

After the film, join us for a discussion panel with local health care practitioners, hosted by Midwife Seattle. Discussion will be from 4pm-5pm. Light refreshments will be provided after the film.

About the film:

With the normalizing of hospital birth, the notion of home birth carries a certain stigma and evokes fear and judgment from many. Why not Home?​ ​reveals not only the scientific data about safety and interventions in birth, but also the beauty and value of this rite of passage. The documentary tells the stories of doctors, nurses, and midwives who have attended hundreds of hospital births, yet chose to have their children at home. This personal and intimate look at birth at home and in the hospital has the potential to influence people and policy in a way previously unseen.

Beyond the personal stories, Why Not Home? is a critical and thoroughly researched look at how we are providing maternity care in the US and the choices we are giving women and families about that care. Maternal mortality rates are rising in the US at a time when they are falling in every other industrialized country. Why Not Home? challenges viewers to move beyond the polarization and judgement that has plagued this issue for decades and instead embrace a more integrated and collaborative model for the future.

Why Not Home?
Sunday, ​​January 15th, 2017
Film – 2pm | Discussion – 4pm
NW Film Forum – 1515 12th Ave, Seattle
Suggested donation: $15
Purchase tickets here!

CrossFit WOD for Volume Monday 1/9

bench press 5x5x70%, then


75 power snatch, 20/15kg
100 push press, 20/15kg
150 front squats, 20/15kg


for time:
75 muscle snatch, 20/15kg
100 snatch push press, 20/15kg
150 OHS, 20/15kg

Kettlebell Strength & Conditioning

Ground force

Plank/windmills warmup

Snatch skill work

Single Arm Strength Day #3
7/7 (14 total) reps a minute for 11 minutes

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 3:

Day 1 – back squat, slow snatch high pull + snatch, snatch push press

Day 2 – front squat, slow clean high pull + clean + jerk, push press

Day 3 – overhead squat, snatch + snatch balance, 2 cleans + 1 jerk

Are you honest and consistent?!

Burpees, when done with the Freestyle Connection method (linked video below), should be considered cardio as it remains low-powered, but rhythmic and repeatable for a long period of time.

[1.] straight legs, bend over, [2.] sprawl back to lay down, [3.] pushup to arch (squeeze butt to protect low back), [4.] jumping good morning, [5.] clap overhead, [6.] repeat

Alternatively you can do a burpee by sprawling hard, absorbing the drop, immediately staying tight for a quick pushup, kicking the feet back up, and jumping vertical while clapping overhead. This requires a strong midline and can tax the upper-body pushing muscles sooner than the other method.


+ The Three Amigos of Ego – CrossFit Journal

CrossFit WOD for Skills Sunday 1/8

BEAR COMPLEX every 2 minutes on the minute for 14 minutes, then


150 burpees for time

followed immediately by 2 minutes max double unders

Post time to whiteboard!

HellaFit WOD


1. OH hold
2. thrusters
3. weighted lunges
4. pushups
5. pull-ups/ring rows
6. athlete’s choice of bike, row, jump rope

1 minute of midline work after each tabata.

Odd object carries. CFSLU circa 2012

While we train with standard equipment most of the time, odd objects are great training tools simply because it emulates how you act among moving things when NOT inside the gym.


+ The Big Secret I’ve Been Keeping From My Skater Bro Friends – The Stranger
+ The Many Benefits of Farmers Walks and Loaded Carries – Strong Made Simple

CrossFit WOD for Skills Saturday 1/7

for time:
5x200m run with object*
100 squats
100 up-and-over, 32/24″
100 Russian twists
5x200m run with object*

* Start each round at bottom of ramp.

Competition CrossFit WOD

Odd object carries, clean complex, double chipper, and some Dynamax Wheels

It is the new year and we have all made our 2017 goals…right? Join us and make your fitness a priority. Our next Foundations On-Ramp Program begins Tuesday, January 17th. This program is a 12-class series over four weeks. There are three course options to choose from:

  • Morning session – 7:00 AM on Tuesdays & Thursdays. Saturdays at 10:00 AM.
  • Mid-day session – 11:00 AM on Tuesdays & Thursdays. Saturdays at 10:00 AM.
  • Evening session – 7:30 PM on Tuesdays & Thursdays. Saturdays at 10:00 AM.

Athletes must choose one series and attend this time for the entire course. Weekday classes are approximately 60 minutes. All athletes will come together for the Saturday classes which are about 90 minutes long.

Already an FCF Athlete? Bring your friends!

FCF athletes, this is also a great time to have your friends and loved ones join you. Refer a Friend and you’ll each receive a $25 credit towards your memberships! So take one last bite of that donut and sign up!

Not quite sure if this is the right fit? Join us for a Community Class!

If you would like to experience what a day in our gym feels like and sample class before registering, please look at our calendar for one of our no-obligation no-cost Community CrossFit classes.

G$, the chief

THE CHIEF is a fun interval test to see how much work you can maximize per round, but repeat for multiple times. What is your drop off like, if any? Could you add another round in to each of your cycles? Which of the three exercises hold you back? Which of the three exercises lend to your strengths? Did you time the work properly to maximize the allotted time? So many factors, but a focus on one or more could lead you to better results.


+ Exposing the Importance of the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) – Breaking Muscle

CrossFit WOD for Skills Friday 1/6


max rounds in 3 minutes:
3 power cleans, 61/43kg
6 pushups
9 squats

Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles.

Compare to 2016 1014. Post all five scores to whiteboard.

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – w2d3

overhead squat, snatch, clean + push press + jerk

Are you honest and consistent?

Personally these two topics are the most important parts about any type of training, whether it be for weightlifting, kettlebell, mobility, or CrossFit. You first and foremost have to understand that to reap the benefits of any programming, you have to be both consistent and honest with all the factors that go into your training. Those factors include (but are not limited to): preparation, attitude, knowing your numbers and abilities, focus, effort, recovery, attendance, reflection and taking notes.

Preparation: It’s not just about showing up physically. Will you show up ready to put in work for the goals that you’ve set out for yourself? If not, how will you get yourself into that headspace ready to train? If you know you can’t then why show up and waste time?  Build that champion mindset. Are you spending your extra time before class to do the mobilizing/stretching you know you need? Did you eat a snack beforehand so that you have enough energy? Are you staying positive and aggressive about the workout for the day, or did you put yourself in a bad headspace because you tend to be pessimistic about your own performance/abilities? Are you carrying the correct gear with you?

Attitude: After coming up with your plan for your workout, what are you doing to prepare for what’s in store? Yeah, your day before the gym was crap, but this session is for you to forget everything else, do something for yourself, and spend time with really good people. Get your mind right. Read. Meditate. Do what’s necessary to bring your best game available.

Knowing Your Numbers and Abilities: Do you track all of your max numbers in your notebook and are they recent? When prescribed to work with certain percentages are you using the proper numbers? Or have you moved it up simply because it’s what your partner already has on the bar? Are you adding weight that you just WANT versus the weight that you NEED? You should be exact with your numbers (rounding up/down to nearest whole number) to ensure you’re able to do the necessary work the way it needs to be done.

Focus: When you’re up for your lift, are you thinking about how you need to move to accomplish the lift? Are you trying to feel the things coaches are referring to in cues they give you? When you attempt the next set/rep, are you focused on trying to make the rep better than the last? Or are you simply just moving and hoping that you do it they way it should be done? Are you paying attention and being present, or thinking about work? Get your head in the game.

Effort: Effort is the direct product of focus. If you want something and have focused on what needs to be done, then the next thing you need is to make sure you do everything in your power to complete the work. Are you making an effort to understand how your body needs to set up, where/when you should be feeling things, listening to the cues to make the next rep better, and pushing yourself to hit each rep?

Recovery: It’s one of the most neglected factors when it comes to training. Are you getting enough sleep at night? Are you feeding your body with a proper nutrition before/during/after working out? Are you mobilizing, rolling out, etc before and after training sessions? On your off days are you getting treated by bodywork professionals (massage, chiro, PT, Leslie, etc), taking epsom salt/ice baths to help make your body feel better? Taking the correct supplements if any.

Attendance: If you’re not showing up and putting in the work you won’t get the goals. Be here, and know there will good and bad days.

Notes/Reflection: This can be anything from cues that work/didn’t work (tell us if a cue doesn’t work for you or you don’t understand it), what you felt/didn’t feel during a lift, the exact cue provided by the coach, an observation from a lifting partner, motivational quotes, etc. Andrew is a fan of recording the working weight lifts on the phone for reference later. Paper, video, etc. are whatever you need to understand why things went right and why things went wrong. These help make cues become habits. They help you become conscious of what you’re doing physically and mentally.

To help with your consistency and honesty, Andrew and I have worked together to move over to in-house programming that we will put together. It is timed specifically to peak at the time of weightlifting meets, whether you compete in them or not, meaning that the cycles will consistently be longer- five or weeks long (instead of four). The way the days are set up is to ensure growth in all the major lifts along with supplemental exercises during the length of the program. We’ve also made it easier for everyone to get the work they need for their specific goals (technique vs strength vs competition) with the following template below.

+ If you attend Olympic Weightlifting Class 1x/wk, you will do DAY 3’s workout, which includes both snatch and clean and jerk.

+ If you attend 2x/wk, you will do DAY 1 your first day that week & DAY 2 the second time you attend (not whichever one you want to do on a given day).

+ If you attend all 3 classes in the week, then you’ll do DAY 1, 2, 3 in that order.

Lastly, we’ll be keeping track of your attendance in classes to make sure you’re the right workouts. This is especially important if you miss a week and hadn’t worked with the lifts at the percentages from the week prior, creating a deficit in your training. Instead of just pushing you along to the higher percentages every week, you will have to earn them. If we get to test out week and you’ve only finished up to 85%, guess what?! You will just have to settle with where you get to with weight when we test out with everyone.

There will be absolutely no room to complain about why numbers aren’t going up- we will all be honest about our consistency, and it will be proven when we lift.

AT coaching AB through a weightlifting meet

As usual if you have any questions email us at or speak to me or Andrew directly at the gym. Our hope is to build our USA Weightlifting club (#FoundationBarbell) to a solid level with a potential for much more.

Gus (via TomBoyX)

So proud of this dude. Read the interview with Gus about his CrossFit journey in the article below.


An Athletic Journey: Gus Lanza – Tom Boy X


– This Saturday 1/7 – Community Class at 12PM, all members, friends, first-timers, and visitors welcome!
– Saturday, 1/21 is our Annual Winter Party at Optimism Brewery (6-8pm reservation then free-for-all!)

CrossFit WOD for Skills Thursday 1/5

establish a 2RM push press in 12 minutes, then


for time:
2k run
22 wall-balls, 20/14#
22 bar muscle-ups
22 wall-balls, 20/14#
22 power cleans, 61/43kg
22 wall-balls, 20/14#
2k run

30 minute time limit. Post time to whiteboard.

HellaFit WOD


30-min AMRAP

Relay 1
– 200m run
– goblet squat

Relay 2
– 50 KBS
– v-up

Relay 3
– 500m row
– push press

Relay 4
– 50 push-ups
– pullups/ring or hinge row/bent over row


+ The 3 Building Blocks to Performing a Proper Dip – Breaking Muscle

CrossFit WOD for Skills Wednesday 1/4

front squats 3x5x70, then


AMRAP in 20 minutes:
5 ring rows
10 ring Dips
15 perfectly-vertical kettlebell swings, 24/16kg

Olympic Weightlifting WOD

Day 2: front squat, 3-position clean, BtN jerk, GHD work. Day 1 if this is your first workout.

Kettlebell WOD


Planks/Halos warmup

TGU work 15 minutes

Single Arm Strength Day 2
6/6 reps emom 12 minutes