We have more colors in and available at limited sizes and quantities- grab one (or more) while you can!

WORKOUT for Monday 12/27/2021

5 rounds for time:
12 deadlifts
9 hang power cleans
6 push jerks

or if you’ve done that more than thrice try

for time:
60 deadlifts
45 hang power cleans
30 push jerks

Rx = 30/45/70kg. Post time to whiteboard!

READ: There’s a Name For What You’re Feeling- It’s Called Languishing – NY Times

YOGA for Sunday 12/26/2021

WORKOUT for Saturday 12/25/2021

Go for an hour-long walk, a 40-minute brisk/weighted walk, or a 20-minute run

AT-HOME OPTION for Saturday 12/25/2021

Classes only at 9am, 10am, and 11am today. We’re closed tomorrow!

See you Monday.

WORKOUT for Friday 12/24/2021


for time:
10-20-30 thrusters, 20/29/43kg
15-25-35 bar-facing burpees

This means you’ll start with 10 thrusters + 15 bar-facing burpees then 20 thrusters + 25 bar-facing burpees then finally 30 thrusters + 35 bar-facing burpees. The goal is an all-out sprint from start to finish. Sets as big as you can get but never hitting failure.

Post time to whiteboard!

Holiday Schedule

Thursday 12/23: Normal hours

Friday 12/24: 9am CrossFit, 10am CrossFit, 11am CrossFit

Saturday 12/25: CLOSED

Saturday 1/1: 9am CrossFit, 10am CrossFit, 11am CrossFit, 12pm Skills

SKILLS for Thursday 12/23/2021 is the SQUAT

CONDITIONING for Thursday 12/23/2021

In the new year would you like to do any one-off skills classes for higher-level movement elements?

We’ve done it in the past (Foundation Institute of Training and Technique) and are curious if there’s a want for more. Subjects include high bar skills, still ring skills, kipping pullups, kipping muscle-ups, barbell high-cycling, parkour basics, flexibility basics, handbalancing 101, handbalancing 201, tumbling 101, tumbling 201 (including standing back tucks), and more.

WORKOUT for Wednesday 12/22/2021


AMRAP in 20 minutes:
10 push press, 52kg
10 perfectly-vertical kettlebell swings, 16/24kg
10 box jumps, 20/24

Immediately followed by a surprise!

Post results to whiteboard!

READ: Doughnuts: The Fried Treat That Conquered the Modern World – BBC

SKILLS for Tuesday 12/21/2021 is the CLEAN

CONDITIONING for Tuesday 12/21/2021

LISTEN: 2021’s Biggest Strength Stories – BarBend Podcast

New swag is in:

These are just a sample of a number of colors and styles we have available!

You can purchase these new shirts (as well as our retro styles with a discount!) by inquiring with us at info@foundationgym.us. We only have a limited stock at this time, so send us an email with your preferred style, size, and color and we will do our best to accommodate you. $25/shirt!

WORKOUT for Monday 12/20/2021

4-5 rounds
70 (unbroken) double unders
7 overhead squats, 45/70kg
3:00 rest

Each round is for time. Post slowest round to whiteboard.


YOGA for Sunday 12/19/2021