WORKOUT for Wednesday 10/26/2022

EMOM x12
2 power snatches

5 rounds for time:
250m row
15 wall ball shots, 8/14/20lbs to 9/9/10’
15 box jumps, 12/20/24

Post time to whiteboard.

ENGINE for Wed 10/26

in 4:00 complete 30 double kettlebell clean & press. in remaining time complete as many box jump overs as possible. Repeat until done!

BODYBUILDING for Wed 10/26

tabata floor press

300 banded pull aparts (in sets of 30-50)
300 banded face pulls (in sets of 30-50)

3 rounds of
5-5-5 bicep openers
12+ plate flips

8x 3 chinup negatives

READ: Why Athletes Need a ‘Quiet Eye’ – BBC Future

SKILLS for Tuesday 10/25/2022 is the PRESS/PUSH PRESS/JERK


warmup flow, shoulder prehab

EMOM x3 do 5 tall snatches, 20-30%
E:90 x5 do hang power snatch + power snatch + snatch, 55/60/65/70/75%
E:90 x3 do 2 touch-and-go pause snatch, 75%

for total time:

800m run + 150′ HSW/10 wall walks/150 HS march + 20 GHDSU
2:00 rest
2 rounds of 400m run + 100′ HSW + 15 GHDSU
3:00 rest
4 rounds of 200m run + 50′ HSW + 10 GHDSU

3 rounds of
20 back extensions
200′ odd object carry

GYMNASTICS for Tues 10/25

core conditioning, stretching, stall bars

EMOM x 15 minutes
a. 3-5 muscle-ups/10-15 pullups
b. 5-10 box jumps, high
c. 10-20 single leg squats

more core

WORKOUT for Monday 10/24/2022

30:00 to establish a max front squat then 3 sets of 3 reps at 85%, then

AMRAP in 7 minutes:
12-15-18-21-etc of
hang power cleans, 20/35/50kg

Post max and time to whiteboard!

ENGINE for Mon 10/24

6 rounds, as unbroken as possible:
15 sandbag ground-to-overhead
20 sandbag overhead lunge
60 sandbag pogo hop

BODYBUILDING for Mon 10/24

2 rounds of
10 barbell bent over row
10 reverse grip barbell bent-over row
10 Chinese lateral raise
16 alternating dumbbell curls
16 alternating hammer curls

Rest as needed between sets, but each set should be completed unbroken and the loading should challenge the prescribed number.

MOBILITY for Sunday 10/23/2022

SKILLS for 10/22/2022 is the SQUAT

CompEx for Sat 10/22

posterior chain warmup, knee/hamstring prehab

Athlete’s Choice (15 minute cap):
– front squat to a 1RM for the day
– back squat 3 sets of 10 reps (@50%, 50-60%, 60%), resting 2-3 minutes between

every 3:00 do 12 deadlifts, starting around 50%. Repeat for 3 sets total.

25 ring muscle-ups in as few sets as possible. 7 minute cap.

AMRAP in 7:00
15/20 calorie row
50′ HS walk/5 wall walks/40 chest-to-wall shoulder taps
5 db thrusters, 50/70lbs
4 db push press
3 db front squats

Rest 1:00. Repeat for 3 total sets.

WORKOUT for Sat 10/22

“CGO 21.3” (15:00 cap)
for time:
15 front squats, 30 toes-to-bar, 15 thrusters, 1:00 rest
15 front squats, 30 chest-to-bar pullups, 15 thrusters, 1:00 rest
15 front squats, 30 bar muscle-ups, 15 thrusters

Rx = 20/29/43kg. Move immediately into the complex

“CGO 21.4”
Max weight in a successful complex within 7:00:
deadlift + clean + hang clean + jerk

Post scores to whiteboard!

WORKOUT for Friday 10/21/2022

3 rounds for max total reps. 1:00 stations of
– wall ball, 8/14/20lbs
– KB SDHP, 2×8/12/16kg
– box jumps, 12/20/24″
– KB jerk, 2×8/12/16kg
– calorie row
– rest

Post score to whiteboard!

ENGINE for Fri 10/21

15 strict pullups
70 calorie row
50 toes-to-bar
50 ring rows
70 hip extensions
15 strict pullups

BODYBUILDING for Fri 10/21

AMRAP in 7:00
7 DB hang muscle clean
7 Gorilla row/side

AMRAP in 7:00
7 push press
7 weighted (or ring) dips

AMRAP in 7:00
7 Viper press
7 dive-bomber pushups

GYMNASTICS for Fri 10/21

hamstring mobility, hip flexor strengthening, press handstand work, headstand development

EMOM x 12
4 HSPU/HSPU negative
8 burpees

SKILLS for Thursday 10/20/2022 is the CLEAN

CompEx for Thurs 10/20

row, plank taps, sprint starts, plank lateral taps, hip/shoulder prehab

EMOM x 3 do 1-3 clean Sotts press
E2MOM x 7 do a clean & jerk (Sets 1-3 do 3 reps @ 60-65, Sets 4-6 do 2 reps @ 70-75%, Set 7 do 1 at 80%). Not touch and go.

Intervals! Every 5:00 complete
250/300m row
6 power cleans, 34/52/70kg
200/250m row
9 burpee over rower

MOBILITY for Thurs 10/20

WORKOUT for Wednesday 10/19/2022

“CGO 13.4”

AMRAP in 7 minutes:
3-6-9-12-15-etc of
clean & jerks, 29/43/61kg

Post scores to whiteboard!

ENGINE for Wed 10/19

1:00 stations for max reps
– decline calorie row
– kettlebell dead muscle clean
– box jump
– rest
– decline calorie row
– kettlebell jerk
– box clear over
– rest

Repeat for 3 rounds.

BODYBUILDING for Wed 10/19

3 rounds
10 bro chest-to-bar pullups
10 crush grip bent-over rows
10 KB high pull
1:00 rest

3 rounds
10 dips
10 shooter pushups
1:00 rest

3 rounds:
20+ JM press
20 bicep curls


SKILLS for Tuesday 10/18/2022 is the DEADLIFT

CompEx for Tues 10/18

shoulder prehab, heaving snatch balances, snatch complexes, handstand pushup density tests

AMRAP in 10:00
5 power snatch
10 deadlift
15 toes-to-bar

GYMNASTICS for Tues 10/18

AMRAP in 20 minutes:
5 hang: pullup, ring row, knees-to-elbows, toes-to-bar, muscle-up, glide kip, etc
10 push: pushup, handstand pushup, freestanding handstand pushup, wall walk, etc
15 squat: air squat, single leg squat, box jump, box jump over, clear over, front scale to back scale, etc

MOBILITY for Tues 10/18

WORKOUT for Monday 10/17/2022

establish a squat max in 20 minutes, then

CGO 20.3/18.4 – Rx

for time:
deadlift, 70/102kg
handstand pushups
– then –
21-15-9 deadlift, 93/143kg
50′ handstand walk

CGO 20.3 aka CGO 18.4 – Scaled

for time:
deadlift, 43/61kg
hand-release pushup
– then –
21-15-9 deadlift, 61/83kg
50′ bear crawl

Time cap is 9:00. Post score/time to whiteboard!

ENGINE for Mon 10/17

going for max unbroken sets for 25 minutes:
– jump rope
– double KB shoulder-to-overhead
– dips
– double KB swing

How big of an unbroken set can you do with each of these exercises? Use loading and ranges that allow you repeatable movement.

BODYBUILDING for Mon 10/17

3 rounds
9 chinups
9 DB bench press
1:00 rest

3 rounds
15 DB push press
15 DB row/side
1:00 rest

3 rounds
21’s bicep curls
21 skull crushers
1:00 rest

Go heavy enough to challenge the reps, moving to target specific muscle-groups rather than the range-of-motion standards we use in CrossFit classes.